Page 26 of Oath of Redemption

“Travis Castello, apparently. Who was found dead after the marriage was announced,” I pull the envelope from my back pocket, placing it on the desk in front of my father. “All the receipts and photographs are there. It’s not in the envelope, but I’m sure we could find evidence to link him to Travis’s death to cover up the deal.”

My father’s fingers grab the envelope, flipping it up to dump the contents out onto his desk. His fingers run over them, his tongue picking at his teeth. It feels like an eternity that he sorts through everything at a leisurely pace, until he finally leans back, his hands crossed lazily over his stomach.

“So, what are you going to do about it?”

I hold his gaze for a moment. “I need permission to kill Francis Delfino.”

“Granted.” He leans forward, eyes flicking over the documents on his desk before meeting my gaze. “I don’t enjoy being disrespected.”

“And what of Viva?” My pulse races as he takes his time to answer, reaching for his cup to take a sip of his drink.

“Do whatever you please. She’s useless now.”

My lip tics into a smirk.

I’m one fucking step closer to getting cuore mio back.

It's already been almost a full month since she’s been living with Gavino.I don't want to wait any longer.I give him a nod of respect before turning around and walking from the room.

Chapter Eighteen


I missed my sonogram to find out the gender of my baby.

The reasoning being that Gavino wants the gender ofourbaby to be a surprise. He said it would be more exciting that way. Every other visit he attended by my side. I’m sure we were picturesque perfection of what a happy couple should look like at those doctor visits. I was told by many women how lucky I was to have a man that attended to me the way Gavino did. That I should be so proud to have such a man by my side during my pregnancy.

And maybe I would be if I wanted to be with him.

If I thought I was forbidden from leaving the property before,I was wrong.Now I really am being held under lock and key, forbad from doing anything without Gavino by my side. He can’t risk anything happening to our baby. Not to mention, my belly is well past the stage of easy hiding at twenty-two weeks. Most of my days consist of lazing around the house and sitting outside with Dylan. Each passes in a haze, exactly the same as the one before. I’m not even sure how long it’s been. Another week? Three? A month? I only ever see Gavino. Only ever physically talk to Gavino. I have been given my phone back, but with limited screen time. The only two contacts I am permitted to use with supervision are Julian and Delaney.

If I so much as mention leaving, to go anywhere, that isn’t an appointment, I am all but screamed at. I’ve become a prisoner to Gavino’s estate. A prized gem he can’t bear to lose.The thought is terrifying.There is a fine line between love and hate, and Gavino constantly rode it. I wasn’t positive if his obsession is because he actually cares about me and the baby or if he is riding some insane high on having something held over Remy.

Since finding out I was pregnant, he hasn’t pressured me to share a bed with him again, but I know he still wants to. The bigger my belly gets, the longer his gaze stays on my skin.It makes me uneasy.Every night I expected him to tell me to join him, and every night I didn’t have too I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was running out of excuses to keep Julian away and the more I lied, the guiltier I felt. It was ridiculous living like this—I logically knew that. But there is nowhere else for me to go. Each day my heart turns a deeper hue of red, edges slowly fading to an inky black. Each night I wish upon the stars outside my window for Remy to come for me, to take me out of this living nightmare, and each morning I wake up to find them ungranted.

“I got you something. For your baths.”

My eyes shift over to Gavino in the doorway as he speaks, eyeing the bath salts he’s holding. In an attempt to keep my sanity, I’ve been taking baths. I nearly had them taken from me when my doctor suggested I only take warm and not hot baths, but after many reassurances, I finally convinced Gavino it was fine.

At my nonresponse, Gavino walks to the table and sets them in front of me. “They seem like something you’ll enjoy.”

I probably will enjoy them, but it would have been nice to pick something out for myself for a change. Instead of saying that I force a smile as I stand, grabbing the salts while reading the label.Fatigue and stress relief.“Thank you. I think I’ll use them now.”

Thankfully, he doesn’t follow me as I make my way to my room’s ensuite bathroom like I half expected him to. Clicking the door shut, I set the salts on the counter and rest the back of my head against the door, closing my eyes for a moment. For the next thirty minutes, I can pretend that I’m okay, that it’s just an ordinary day of relaxing in the tub. That I’m not living day thirty—whatever at Gavino’s estate.

Opening my eyes to my imagined bliss, I turn the water on and dump the salts in. Hopefully, they can actually help with my fatigue.I’m exhausted.Physically and emotionally. Stripping and sinking into the water, I roll a towel to support my neck on the edge and watch my skin turn pink. Shutting my eyes again,I imagine I’m free.

“Beverly. Beverly!” I jump, frowning up at Gavino in confusion. My water is cooled and my fingers pruned.

I must have fallen asleep.

“What? Why are you shouting?” I don’t bother to hide from his gaze. Who knows how long he’s already been watching me.

“You’ve been in here for a few hours.” I sit up to get out of the water, but he stays in my way, crouched by the tub. “I was worried.”

There’s something about the way he says it that puts me on edge, makes the hair on my arms stand that doesn’t have to do with the cold. “I must have fallen asleep. I’m ready to get out now, though.”