“Yes,” she croaks and winces.
“Don’t talk, Tink,” I murmur softly, using the shortened version of the nickname I’d given her when we first met and she told me her name. So, I’d started calling her Tinkerbell. “If you need to say something, I’ll give you something to use.” I don’t want her to hurt herself talking.
She nods in answer, her eyes shimmering with unwarranted tears.
Leaning in, I press my lips to hers, brushing mine carefully against hers. Faye makes a noise in the back of her throat and parts her lips. I take that for what it is and slip my tongue inside to deepen the kiss.
Damn, it feels good to kiss her. Just as it had been good to do so with Lawson.
The two of them are everything to me, and I know Lawson saw the addition to my tattoo last night. I didn’t think when I had their names added that I’d have this, the two of them. I just wanted them to be a part of the art on my back that means so much to me. The wings and Viking helm are meant to prove I’m free and a fighter. I don’t back down and I don’t let things get in my way. I’m a warrior.
The crazy part is Tyres’s woman, Rissa, had us do an ancestry thing and found out that not only do we have French origins running through our veins, we also have Scandinavian. This was pretty cool, though I didn’t want to do it at first because it meant giving my DNA to a company that could, in turn, run it through other databases for all I know. Not that I’ve left any chances.
Movement on the other side of Faye catches my attention and I pull away from Faye’s mouth to give Lawson his chance at kissing her. Staring at the two of them, I don’t think I could handle not having them in my life again.
After Lawson breaks his mouth away from Faye’s, he lifts his head and kisses me. As he does this, I feel a set of lips press against my chest, drawing a groan from me. As much as I want this to go further, I pull away, breathing heavily.
I catch Lawson smirking as he falls back onto his side of Faye. Shaking my head at him, I look back to Faye. “Are you hungry?” She hadn’t woken back up last night, having slept through til this morning.
Faye lifts her hands and signs the word ‘Yes’.
It’s a good thing I knew sign language. This meant she has a way of communicating with us and not having to use a tablet or something of that nature.
“How about some honey tea and oatmeal?” Lawson offers.
It’s not broth as Angelina suggested, but the oatmeal is soft and shouldn’t hurt her throat and the honey in hot tea should help soothe Faye’s throat.
Faye lifts her hands higher and signs, ‘That sounds like heaven. I’m starving.’
“I’m sure you are,” I retort and roll out of the bed. “I’ll go get it and be back.” I leave the two of them alone and head out of my room not bothering with the bathroom or putting a shirt on first. Getting Faye what she needs is more important than taking the time to dress or brush my teeth. I’ll do that after I get her food and tea.
In the kitchen, I nod to Brielle and Rissa as they work together cooking.
“How’s Faye doing?” Rissa asks while scrambling eggs.
“She just woke up,” I answer, reaching into the cabinet for a thing of oatmeal, tea, and honey. “Just getting her something she can handle this morning.”
“That’s good.” She smiles softly and bites her lip while watching me work around them to get what I need for Faye. I’ve known Rissa for years and though her and Tyres have worked things out, we’re still having trouble getting past the hurdle of what happened to her. Mostly because I hate that she left and broke my brother’s heart. Granted, on Rissa’s behalf none of us knew what she went through.
“Umm, Brake?” Rissa calls as I mix the oatmeal in hot water.
“Yeah?” I lift my gaze to hers.
Rissa has that look I remember from back in the day, and it tells me she’s nervous about whatever she’s about to say. “I’m glad Faye’s back and that she’ll be okay. You deserve happiness.” She casts her gaze down to what she’s doing and finishes what she was saying in a whisper. “With both of them.”
I’m not surprised Tyres didn’t keep this from Rissa. Or any of the brothers. I wouldn’t want him to hide it. However, I’m not ready for this shit yet. But I can’t take that out on Rissa. Moving to her side, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and tilt my head down to kiss the top of her head. “Appreciate it, Rissa,” I whisper back. “Let’s start over,” I suggest as I pull away and move back to finish fixing Faye’s breakfast.
“That would be good,” Rissa agrees softly. “We’re making breakfast for everyone.” Motioning to the food Brielle set on the counter.
“How about we have two plates brought to your room for you and Lawson?” Brielle offers, finishing what Rissa started to say.
“Thanks.” My stomach makes a noise of agreement at the offer, and I give both women a grin. “Didn’t eat last night.”
“You haven’t eaten since before Faye was taken either,” Brielle remarks with a halfhearted laugh, reminding me of this fact.
“Right,” I mutter and finish getting everything together for Faye, including some fruit they’d cut up. Honeydew and cantaloupe shouldn’t hurt.
Rissa gives me a tray to use, and I put the bowl of oatmeal, fruit, and tea on it as I thank her. Grabbing the tray, I carry it out of the kitchen and ignore everyone as I make my way back to my room. I juggle the tray in one arm as I open my door and use my foot to shut it back once I’m inside.