Page 10 of Brake's Intent

My gaze goes straight to Faye and Lawson. The two of them sitting up on the bed, Faye’s head on Lawson’s chest, her eyes on me as I make my way across the room.

“Time to eat.” I set the tray on the bed and sprawled along the end of the bed watching Faye as she sits up and gingerly starts eating.

* * *

“We’ve got to know what happened. Where you were held? Why’d they let you go?” Lawson asks, bringing up the elephant in the room. The one that none of us brought up after Faye finished eating. She’s been through hell and needs time to rest but we also gotta know what we’re dealing with.

Once Faye ate, and Lawson and I did the same, we relaxed a bit, just the three of us, without any drama. Honestly if I could, I’d hold off until tomorrow. The bullshit has just been one thing after another for what feels like months on end. I want one damn day of nothingness. Unfortunately for me, it won’t be the case. Like Lawson, I want to know the answers. But there’s more to it. I need to know her reasons for leaving the way she did. I can probably guess as to what it was, but she needs to tell me.

I’m not stupid by any means, and I know how families like the Brisbanes work and do business along with alliances by arranged marriages. Still, Faye needs to speak the truth of it. It’s driven me nuts, trying to figure out what made her leave before, and since seeing her again . . . it’s like a damn hammer beating away at my brain seeking the truth.

And now, it’s time I got it.

Faye climbs out of bed, faces both of us, and signs, ‘Good faith.’

“Good faith?” My brows meet in the middle of my forehead as I frown. “What do you mean by good faith?”

‘I don’t know,’ she signs, biting her lip. ‘They came to get me and mentioned not wanting a war.’

Fuck me.

“Do you know who the man was that took you?” Lawson demands, gritting his teeth.

Faye shakes her head. ‘I don’t. After they took me, I never saw him. Just Shawna. She did all of this,’ she explains with her hands and motions to her body before pointing to her neck. ‘And this.’I watch as a tear spills down her cheek, but Faye isn’t done, and I get the sense she needs to finish. ‘Shawna choked me every day, several times throughout the day, with her belt. She mixed it with the beatings, but her favorite thing to do was choke me because that’s the only time she got a reaction.’

“I’m gonna kill the bitch,” I muttered, clenching my hands into fists. Shawna might have a cunt between her legs, but she ain’t a woman in my eyes. I’ll gladly put a bullet between her eyes. Not just for what she’s done to Faye but for what she put Lyrica through.

Getting to my feet, I start pacing the room.

“Do you know where they held you?” Lawson asks, eyes going from me to Faye and back again.

Again, Faye shakes her head. ‘No, they gave me a sedative of some sort, and when I came to, it was down the road from here. They told me to tell you they were giving me back in good faith because they didn’t know who I was when they took me at Shawna’s demand.’

“Good faith,” I scoff and move to my dresser, anger boiling through my veins. “They didn’t want a war, they shouldn’t have taken you in the first fuckin’ place.” Grabbing a shirt, I pull it on and drop my shorts in order to pull on a pair of jeans. I shove my feet into my boots and leave the room without looking at either Faye or Lawson. I can’t hear any more about them giving her back in good fucking faith.

I’ll find those fuckers, and I’ll make them pay for their part in all of this, but first, I’m gonna find that bitch, Shawna, and make her pay. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the time we’ve dealt with her, she’s like a dog with a bone and doesn’t let shit go. All I gotta do is find where the bitch lays in wait and put her down once and for all.




I ignore Lawson calling my name. I don’t want to talk to him right now. I don’t need to hear him telling me to calm down. What we need is to find that stupid cunt and make her pay for what she’s done.

“Damnit, Brake, would you stop,” Lawson shouts as I near my bike.

“Go back to Faye,” I command, not stopping until I get to my bike. I throw a leg over and straddle the machine.

“You need to come back inside as well,” Lawson states, putting a hand on the handlebars.

I lift my gaze to meet his as I slide a pair of sunglasses in place. “Go take care of Faye.”

“And what are you going to do?” he snarks. “Go on a witch hunt?”

“I’ll find the bitch.” I curl my lip in disgust. “Now, back away from my bike and go back to Faye.”

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” Lawson mutters, stepping closer. “You’re pissed and ready to go off the handle. I can’t let you do that.”