Page 21 of Brake's Intent

“Right, then let’s get this over with,” Chains grunts and leans back in his chair.

“Where’s Faye? She okay?” Rory asks.

“Faye’s at the clubhouse and getting better every day,” I say meeting the other man’s gaze.

“And you didn’t bring her with you?” Rory narrows his eyes on me knowingly.

“No,” I remark.

“Faye is to be married in two weeks. It’s time for her to be returned to her family,” Finn states.

“That won’t be happening,” Lawson states nonchalantly.

“And why is this?” Tension fills the room as Finn straightens.

“Because she’s already married,” I inform him. “Along with being in a committed relationship.”

“With whom?” Rory demands, sitting forward, and slamming his fist on the table.

“With Lawson and me.” There’s no way I’m going to let this man intimidate me.

“Come again?” Finn growls, hands balling into fists. “You two?”

“Yes, Faye, Lawson, and I are in a committed relationship, and as of this morning, Faye became my wife,” I inform both men.

“Do you have any clue as to what you’ve done?” Rory snarls, coming out of his seat.

“Oh, I believe we both know what we’ve done,” Lawson smirks and pulls his phone out. “And you can calm down.”

“Do not tell me what to do.” Rory glares at Lawson as if he were itching to put a bullet in both of us.

“Well, I will then suggest you calm down because on the way here, I found out some very interesting information you will want to know,” Lawson says, surprising me and everyone else at the table.

“And that would be?” Finn demands.

“The man you were going to marry Faye off too . . .” Lawson starts and looks at me before dropping his gaze down to the phone in his hand and unlocking it. He pulls up a report on his phone and slides it across the table to Finn and Rory. “You’ll see that’s what my men found on him. He’s a junkie who hides behind his power. He might seem like a normal person to the outside eye, but he likes his coke. He also likes little girls.”

What the fuck?

“How did you get this?” Finn asks, holding Lawson’s phone and scrolling through what’s on it.

“My men are good. And I’m sure if Fuse had gone and looked, he’d also have found this information. Just as if you had your own men doing the same.” Lawson shrugs and leans back in his seat, at ease with the situation.

I can’t help but wonder when he told his men to look into the fucker. We only found the name out last night, and after finding out, we were all a little too busy to worry about anything but being in the throes of fucking.

Finn cocks his head slightly and looks at Rory. “You don’t think he’d be stupid enough to hide this information from me, do you?”

Rory shakes his head, tension rolling off him in waves. “When it comes to him, he who the hell knows. You know my father wanted your brother to take the seat from you. Being that he was similar to your own and vindictive, I could see him playing it that way. And you know he has a way of hiding behind that mask of his.”

I don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, but whatever it is, from the sounds of it, can’t be good.

Finn nods and brings his gaze to mine. “I’m not happy you went and married Faye without speaking to me. However, all I want is for her to be happy.”

“As do I,” Rory grunts. “I could give two shits about our parents, but my little sister is everything to me. They drilled it into her head she has a duty to fulfill.”

“That contract is now voided,” Finn sneers. “I’ll speak with Dean and Tomas about this. We don’t step in on how others handle business, but there’s one thing we do not tolerate and that’s touching girls that are underage. Gilroy will be lucky if Tomas doesn’t put a contract on his head for that very thing.”

“You talking about Angelina’s uncle?” I ask, looking over to Chains for confirmation. He nods, but it’s Lawson who speaks up.