“Dean O’Connell,” Lawson states. “He handles affairs along the East Coast for the Irish and married to Tomas MacDermott’s daughter.”
“You know Dean? How?” Finn questions, brows creasing.
Lawson nods. “I know him as we have some mutual business together and a truce between us. I don’t step on his toes, and he returns the favor.”
Fuck, I didn’t even think about the fact Lawson could potentially know people we do. Then again, he runs in some of the same circles, some even darker than the club gets into. The very fact that he knows Dean or Tomas is eerie enough as it is.
“Right.” Finn watches Lawson and then me before sitting back in his seat. “I will want to see my cousin before returning to Corpus Christi.”
“Come to the clubhouse this evening,” Tyres suggests. “You’ll get to see her and party with us in celebration of their marriage and commitment.”
I close my eyes and inwardly groan.
“We’ll be there,” Rory responds.
“Good, then this meeting is over for the time being,” Chains declares and gets to his feet.
Without wasting time, I follow suit and head out to my bike. Questions were swirling in my head, but also pride in how Lawson was able to keep trouble from coming at us all.
Now’s the time to get back to the clubhouse and get ready. Tonight, they both officially become mine.
“Okay, you gotta tell us,” Tiny quips, staring at me over the rim of her coffee mug.
“What?” I ask, glancing from her to the other women somewhat nervously.
Today has been strange at best, but in a good way. The ol’ ladies and I just finished decorating the clubhouse for the events to come this evening. I still can’t believe I’m going to be tied to not just Brake but Lawson as well. It scares me because I’ve been told all my life I would marry the man who holds the contract for me. I’ve always hated it, but I knew it was my duty to my family. Now, that will not be happening. As of this morning, I’d signed the documents for the marriage license with Brake.
After the papers were signed, they’d all left to go speak with my cousin and brother. I’m worried about how the meeting will go and pray that a war doesn’t break out between the two. I wouldn’t be able to bear the thought of something happening because of me and the happiness that I seek by being with the two men who hold my heart. I would run if I could. However, I have a feeling that neither man would ever allow that to happen.
“You know what she means . . .” Nora grins. “My best friend, Emerson’s sister, is also with two men, but they’re brothers and nothing like Brake and Lawson, so dish, woman.”
“Um . . .” I lick my lips and try to figure out how to explain it without embarrassing myself. “Well, it’s honestly amazing, and they both make sure that I have multiple mind-blowing orgasms that leave me exhausted and ready to pass out afterward.” I go on to tell them about how it works without giving much detail. It’s not something I would ever think anyone would want to know about, and it’s kind of private, but by the time I’m finished, each of the other women is watching me with wide eyes and mouths hanging open.
“And here I thought gay porn was hot,” Angelina murmurs, making the others burst into a fit of giggles and laughter.
Thankfully, the subject switches to what porn is hot and the best to watch. I personally have never been fond of watching others go at it. I prefer to experience it first-hand.
Tiny’s phone chimes on the table, and she lifts it and smiles. “The guys are done with the meeting and on the way back,” she says and finishes her coffee before standing. “We better get back to it. There are still things to do.”
“Is there anything I can help do?” I ask.
“You go get ready,” Rissa answers and smiles. “It’s not much, and we can get it done.”
“I’m going to check on the kids in the playroom,” Faith states. “Things have been a little too quiet. I haven’t heard any shouting coming from that direction.”
“You know Ela is with them and always keeps them from acting up,” Angelina says, meeting my gaze. “Speaking of Ela, she wanted to speak to you.”
“She’s your husband’s mom, right?” There are so many people around, I just want to make sure I get everyone right.
“Yeah.” Angelina smiles. “She’s Pitch Black’s mom. She’s also a wonderful woman who is special in a lot of ways.”
“Okay.” I nod and look at Faith. “Well, I guess I’ll join you so I can talk to her since she wants to see me anyway.”
“Sounds good.” Faith stands. “Come on.”