As of this morning, she legally became my wife, and tonight, after the ceremony, she’ll be committed to not just me but Lawson too. I figured he’d want her to be his wife, but he said it was better she was legally married to me instead. Either way, they’re both mine, just as I’m theirs.
The girls were going to put together something for the ceremony this afternoon and send a prospect to get what they needed. I do gotta admit that Chains was right. The ol’ ladies would have been pissed not to be able to do something for Faye. It’s like a rite of passage or some shit like that. I don’t fucking know.
Since finding out that we’re meeting with her brother and cousin, Faye’s been quiet, and I’m sure it has to do with the fact that she’s going against her family. With her now married, she can’t marry anyone else. Not without killing me first, and that shit ain’t about to happen. I’m sure this evening, after the ceremony, Lawson and I will be able to reassure her that everything’s good and she has nothing to worry about.
I pull my bike into the parking lot of Diamond Dancers alongside my brothers. Lawson parks a little ways away in his car. It’s a sweet ride, but there’s no way in hell I’ll be in it unless it’s absolutely necessary. I prefer my bike to being locked in a steel cage that could be crushed around me. Granted, most say bikes are dangerous, but anything that moves is. I would rather take my chances flying off my bike than being crushed to death.
Kicking the kickstand down, I swing a leg over and straighten as I face Tyres. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but he’s been pissing me off with his questioning my every move.
“Brake,” he starts and lets out a breath. “I . . . fuck, I wanna apologize for earlier,” he says, surprising me. “With everything we’ve all been through, I guess you can say I’m worried, and that’s something I’ve never been good with.”
“I know that.” I nod. “But you gotta trust me.”
“And I do. I fuckin’ trust you with my life. I just want you to know I’m fuckin’ sorry for the way I walked out without letting you know you have my support.”
“Let me guess? Rissa cuss your ass out?” I smirk, trying to make light of the situation between us but also speaking the truth. I’d already heard she was pissed with him.
“Yeah, you can say that.” Tyres chuckles. “She wasn’t pleased to know I’d turn my back on you. But you gotta know I would never fully do something like that.”
“I know,” I agree.
“We good?” he asks, holding out a hand.
“Yeah,” I clasp my hand in his and the two of us pull each other in for a one-armed hug. “Just remember this, Ike,” I murmur, my arm still around him. “I can’t do any of this without you. You’re my brother, my twin, my blood. I need you more than you realize.”
“Same,” he utters and slaps my shoulder before pulling away.
“Everything good here?” Lawson asks, joining us.
“Just them doing the brotherly makeup,” Chains answers for us with a snort. “One thing you gotta learn, Law, is that those two may fight and argue, but it don’t mean shit ‘cause they’ll work it out in time and usually it don’t take long.”
“Got it.” Lawson nods and quirks a brow. “Law?”
“You’re a part of this club, can’t go without giving you a nickname.” Chains shrugs and the rest of us start chuckling.
“Seriously? You couldn’t come up with something better?” Lawson scoffs.
“Nope.” Chains grins and glances at me. “You ready?”
“Yeah.” I give him a chin lift and turn my attention to Lawson. “Let’s get this done with.”
“Right.” He grunts and motions for me to go ahead.
Taking a breath, I start for the door. Here we go, time for moment of truth. This meeting will determine peace or war between the Irish and our club. All because I’m not willing to lose one of the two people who mean the most to me in this life.
* * *
“Have a seat, gentleman,” Finn says, eyes unreadable as he waves a hand in front of him, motioning to the empty chairs at the table.
Faye’s brother, Rory O’Hara, sits at his side, staring at us through emotionless eyes.
My brothers take their seats on either side of Lawson and me. Chains at Lawson’s right and Tyres at my left. They might be in charge, but this is mine and Lawson’s business to deal with. I don’t miss the men standing off to the side that are Finn’s along with Felix’s.
“Where’s Felix?” Chains asks. I guess he also noticed what I did.
“He and Remy are dealing with something in the back,” Finn answers with a shrug. “Seems they had a situation with a John in the back part of the club, and they’re handling that at the moment.”
I nod knowing the DeLancys also have a brothel on the backside of Diamond Dancers for the women who work for them to work in a safer environment.