I shake my head and squeeze Faye’s waist. “Don’t.”
“Okay.” She nods and bites her lower lip.
“Brake, brother, I’m just looking out for you,” Tyres answers, breathing harshly.
“Appreciate it, but in this, I don’t need you looking out for me. What I want is your support,” Brake states, his eyes coming to Faye and me. “This was my decision, and it’s happening.” He returns his gaze to Tyres and then looks to the rest of the room briefly. “Y’all are my family and need to support me in this.” He looks directly at Ryder and shakes his head. “You know it ain’t easy for me to do what I’m doing.”
“I know it’s not,” Ryder responds, nodding. “You have my support, and I’m happy for you.” Lifting his gaze, the other man looks in our direction. “All of you.”
The tension seems to lessen after that, and Brake releases a breath, nodding.
Since the first day I got to town to now, I’ve watched Brake and how he is around his brothers, and I think at this moment, the walls he’s kept up start to teeter because they all now know where his head’s at.
“So, when are you doing this?” Chains asks, eyebrow cocked in question.
“This morning,” Brake answers and closes the distance between him and us.
“We got that meeting this afternoon,” Tyres states as a reminder.
“I know we do, and I’m not missing it. But I’m not going to it without Faye tied to Lawson or me.”
“Right,” Tyres mutters and glances to Faye and me. “Either of you hurt him, I’ll be pissed.” With that, Tyres spins and stalks out of the room, leaving through the front doors.
If it weren’t for the fact I knew he was only looking out for his twin brother, I might go after him for his veiled threat, but I get it. The two of them might have their uncle and cousins along with the club, but there’s a difference when it comes to siblings. I know because I had two. A brother and sister. They’re gone along with my parents. It’s how I ended up alone. I went through foster care. It wasn’t for me, and I went my own way. I grew up faster than I should, making a name for myself as I went.
Brake wraps an arm around Faye and presses a kiss to the side of her head. “Time to go.”
“Hold on, Brake,” Chains says, stepping closer, looking between the three of us. “I get what you’re doing, and you’ve got my full support. But why don’t you have it here?” he suggests. “You know Tiny and the others would be pissed not to celebrate this with you all. We’ll have a ceremony here at the clubhouse for all of you. Get the license and get married here.”
“I’ll officiate,” Fury announces, speaking up from next to Ryder.
“Works for me.” I look to Brake and Faye. “What do you think?”
“It’s up to Brake,” Faye whispers also looking to our man.
Brake looks from Chains and the others to us. “You sure?” Both of us nod in answer, and he sighs and nods, looking back at his Prez. “Okay, we’ll do it here.”
“Great.” Chains grins.
“I’ll deal with the license for you,” Fuse offers.
“Long as the license is taken care of ahead of time, you’re good for this afternoon,” Ryder informs us.
“What meeting?” Faye asks.
“We’re meeting with Finn and your brother this afternoon,” I inform her.
Faye pulls away and turns to look at both Brake and me. “You’re meeting with Finn and Rory?”
“Yeah, Tinkerbell, we’re meeting with them this afternoon,” Brake states, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her forward until she’s flush against his chest. With his other arm, he reaches up and tangles his fingers in her hair. “Told you last night, I’m not losing either of you. I’m making you ours, and I’m making it known. No one is taking you away from us.”
He’s got that right. No one will take Faye from us. Same with Brake. I won’t let anyone take him away from me, either.
Thanks to Fuse, we were able to do everything we needed without leaving the clubhouse. This worked out well for me, considering I wasn’t fond of taking Faye off club property. I don’t intend for her to stay here for the rest of her life, but I do want to make sure she’s safe and that no one will get their hands on her first. It might make me sound overbearing or whatnot, either way, I don’t give a shit. She’s mine and Lawson’s.