Horns wanted to sprout out of my head and ram into her.“Based on your character, I’d say he leveled up.” I pasted a fake smile on my face and fluttered my lashes, which I’d always thought was childish. At that moment, the gesture suited Fiona.
She glared at me, and I glared back. The energy between us sizzled. I didn’t even know how we became this way. Was she still holding a grudge about how she was forced to apologize to her followers for posting untruthful things about me?
My God, move on.
I jerked whenRoyce slung an arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head. I should get used to his touch.
“People change, Fiona. I’ve changed just like you have.”
She waved a dismissive hand. “Anyway, we should catch up.”
Some girl called out to Fiona. “We’re going to change and hop into the pool. You coming?”
“Be right there.” Fiona smiled warmly at Royce and tossed me an indifferent glance, instead of the sneer I had anticipated. She strutted away, swaying her hips as though he were watching her.
I looked at him, expecting him to be staring at Fiona’s swaying hips, but his eyes were on me.
“She didn’t like me before, but now shehatesme.”
“We’re in the same boat.”
“No. She doesn’t hate you. Shewantsyou. Can’t you see herdroolingover you?”
He let out a half-laugh. “No. I only have eyes for my girlfriend.”
“Yourfakegirlfriend.” I snorted as an idea percolated in my mind. This could be my opportunity to make Fiona suffer and discover if Royce liked me as more than a friend. I should call this spy mission From Iceland with Love.
My Super Spy Girls 003 would appreciate the title. I couldn’t wait to share it with them.
He whispered into my ear, “Is that a yes?”
A shiver slithered down my spine, and I lost my train of thought.
“Yes to what?” My voice came out soft and needy.
He smirked, and his green eyes darkened. “That we’re fake dating. I don’t know how long Fiona will be here, so we should date for the rest of our time in Iceland. Okay?”
“So I’m doing you a favor?” I arched an eyebrow. “What do I get out of it?”
I should just zip my mouth. Why did I have to complicate things? It was already complicated enough.
“What do you want?”His fingers traced my lips again.
For you to kiss me again and again.
“I don’t know yet. When I figure it out, I’ll let you know. Raincheck?” I held out my hand to shake on the business deal.
“You got yourself a deal, angel.” He shook my hand as amusement gleamed in his eyes. “You want me to sign any papers?”
“No. I know where you live, Viking. On both continents.”
“You don’t have to worry about the relationship getting complicated. It won’t. I don’t believe in love. It’s overrated.”
The casual way he said it completely threw me. I didn’t know how to reply.
What had happened to him to make him dismiss love like that? Despite my breakup with Julian, I still believed in love. I was just more careful now. Love offered me hope when life seemed too dark. We all needed something to guide us along the way. Maybe Royce found something else.
What happened to you, Royce?