“I read up on the company and its mission before I agreed to the job.”
“Oh yeah?” He swallowed, and his gaze followed my fingers as I moved the mud down his abdomen.
Knowing I had this effect on him empowered me; I hid the smile that wanted to surface.
“The waters from both pools are enriched with silica, algae, and minerals.”
“Oh yeah?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re in need of new vocabulary. I guess this mud has some magical powers. I should try it soon.”
“You should definitely try it,” he said breathlessly as my fingers traced the firm muscles of his abs.
Royce had a fabulous body corded with taut muscles. Every time a muscle flexed, something in me flexed too, as though our muscles were having a private conversation.
He had a body and a face that made women swoon, and I got to touch him all over. I felt his gaze on me, and my cheeks warmed as I took my time discovering the firm landscape of his body.
Was that a groan that escaped him? I couldn’t be sure as I tried my best to prevent myself from moaning.
“You enjoy working out, Viking?” I asked in a low voice.
“I do.”
Glancing up, I met his curious eyes, which had darkened to a dangerous green. I cupped the thermal water and splattered his body, washing off the mud.
He gripped my hands, holding them still. “My turn to lather you. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
Royce went over to the mud bar, and I studied his muscled back and the lightning bolt tattoo. I’d been so focused on his face and abdomen that I hadn’t noticed the beautiful artwork on his body. The lightning bolt sat along his spine, symbolizing an emblem of power.
He turned, came up to me, and his eyes flashed with heat, making me forget about his tattoo.
“Front or back.” he asked with a handful of mud paste.
My inner thighs tightened, wanting his hands on my chest, but propriety won. “Back, please.”
I shifted to give him access to my back while I took in the lagoon’s atmosphere. I’d been too distracted by him to appreciate the surrounding wonder.
The cool paste felt like a lovely kiss on my warm body. Royce’s large hand moved around my shoulder blades, massaging them.
“You’ve got skillful hands.” My body relaxed when I tilted my head to the side.
“I know,” he whispered close to my ear, sending a shiver through me.
I concentrated on my surroundings. The magical atmosphere felt like a universe of sacred wellbeing with a bridge that connected the separate pools. I couldn’t wait to experience the freshwater lagoon. Perhaps another time because I was too comfortable in this spot and didn’t want to move.
“What do you know about this NewYou Resort?” he asked, moving to stand in front of me while adding some paste to my arm.
“There’s a Research and Development Center near here. That’s where they harvest water with algae using LED light to mimic sunlight. When the algae is ready, they freeze-dry it into a powder, which they then add to their beauty products. It’s pretty innovative.”
“It is. I love how you know all of this.” He added paste to my other arm. “Few people want to know the science behind the glamor.”
“It’s interesting to me.” I shrugged. “Nature is beautiful, buthowit functions is even more beautiful. I want to understand its little secrets because that’s what I try to capture in my writing.” His handsome face made me sigh. “What I love most about NewYou Beauty is they recycle carbon dioxide from their power plant to feed the algae. Isn’t that cool?”
His green eyes sparkled, transforming his face from handsome to stunning. I wasn’t sure how else to describe him.
Heat wafted over me, andI had to look away from his eyes before I melted into the pool.
“So you like innovative methods.”