Page 44 of The Daredevil

It wasn’t a question.

“I do. I think it’s a fantastic way to help the Earth. When I travel, I want to breathe fresh air, you know? So a company that shares that kind of philosophy shows they’re helping the environment.”

Royce continued to stare at me.

“Even their use of the natural hot springs fascinates me. I find lava interesting too.”

He smirked. “Lava intrigues you?”

“When people think of lava, they feel fear—and they have good reason to. History has shown how destructive a volcanic eruption can be. But from the depths of the earth comes this heat, this sacred thermal passion that warms the earth, the water. I don’t know. I just find it interesting. Isn’t that why you’re a volcanologist?”

“Partly,” he said. “Lava has a darkness to it, but it also possesses beauty. Even after lava is no longer the liquid fire, it becomes these rocks with healing properties.”

“Like life, you can’t have the good without experiencing the bad. The good things come with a prerequisite.”

I’d never understand why God made certain things the way he did, but if I looked deep enough, there were treasures to be found. Perhaps that was why I enjoyed exploring and seeking treasures for my blog.

My contemplative appearance must’ve fascinated him because he said, “What are you thinking about?” A sly smile crept onto his face. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about me. Although that’s what I would expect from my girlfriend.”

“Fake girlfriend,” I corrected.

“Same difference.”

“No, it’s not.” I laughed.

He pressed the rest of the mud paste onto my neck, moving down and down, stopping just above the edge of my bikini top.

I gasped and stopped breathing.

“What should I do, Michelle? Should I continue . . .” His fingers hovered along the bikini edge, caressing my skin and sending heat to my core.

I desperately wanted him to continue, but I felt Fiona’s stare cutting into my skin. I could see her looking at us from the corner of my eye. Her irritation slithered all over my body. If she wanted to look, I’d give her a show.

Right now, Royce wasmyboyfriend, and I had a claim to him. I had to show the world that he was mine.

“What do you want to do?” I asked, moving to a little nook in the corner away from the main area and lowering my body beneath the water, so people couldn’t see what we were doing if they passed us.

A soft growl escaped him. “You’re driving me crazy, angel.” He palmed my breast beneath the water and watched my reaction with a smile.

My breath hitched at the sudden jolt of pleasure.

This “show” was to annoy Fiona, wasn’t it? It seemed it didn’t matter if she was around or not. We were both in our own world. I wanted to touch him regardless of her presence. He could elicit powerful sensations from my body that I hadn’t felt in years.

He slipped his hand under my top and played with my nipple. I gasped, and he smirked as heat flashed in his eyes. His mouth crashed into mine and muffled my gasps. His lips molded and coaxed mine, making me forget everything. Squeezing my breast and tugging at my nipple, he deepened the kiss. My pulse tripped, got up, tripped again, and quickened as desire soared, creating a sultry heat inside my body. My hands trembled as they roamed his chest, exploring the slickness of his skin and the beating of his heart.

I was pretty sure people were watching us, but I didn’t care. There was nothing wrong with two lovers showing affection. My hands slipped around him, and my fingers tugged at his hair.

He removed his hand from my breast and cupped the sides of my face, angling the kiss. I moaned as his tongue twirled with mine in a seductive dance that made me yearn to know what else he could do with his mouth and tongue. He tasted of coffee and something so masculine and secretive that I didn’t have a word for it. The slight hint of his cologne mixed with the seawater and earthly moss created this magical scent that captured him perfectly. I felt like I was kissing an earthly wonder that withheld so much pressure and power. He was the volcano I wanted to entice. The muscles in my inner thighs tightened. I had to stop this before things got out of hand.

I broke the kiss and licked my lips, still craving the taste of him. “This fake dating is getting dangerous, Royce.”

“Don’t tell me you’re scared now.” Rising to his feet, water dripped down his body as he tugged me to a standing position and washed off the rest of the mud paste from my arms.

“I’m scared we’ll be kicked out of this lagoon and banned for life. I’d probably lose my job for indecency.”

Smirking, he lowered his hands to cup my ass. My breath caught again, and he tossed me a wicked grin that promised a wild adventure in bed. It should be illegal for someone to be that gorgeous. The man had more sex appeal than anyone I’d ever known. Everything about him was just . . .more. Royce was monumental, overwhelmingly stunning, and possessed the power to make me weak with a simple gaze.

“If you lose your job, I can give you one. The offer still stands for you to promote my excursion business on your blog. I have several locations around the world. It’s an enticing full-time gig.”