Either way, I kept my chin high, huffed, and then walked away from him.

Once I was out of the VIP section, I walked to the dance floor, found myself a nice guy to dance with, and then began rocking to the music playing. My eyes wandered to the exit of the VIP section as I rocked my hips against the guy behind me. I could feel his hardness rise and press into my back just from our dance, and it freaked me out, so I pushed away from him, and walked over to the regular bar to get myself a double malted scotch.

A hand tapped my shoulder after I finished the first shot, and I turned to see the man I just danced with. “Hey,” he said as he sat beside me. “You’re such a great dancer.”

Urghh, is that a flirting line?I thought as I looked at him and smiled. He looked like a nice man, but too simple. His ginger hair was a mess, probably from all the tousling he was doing with his fingers, and he couldn’t even look me in the eye.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked.

“Buy me two,” I told him with a smile. “I’d like to forget all about tonight,” I added with a sigh, and he grinned. He happily bought me two shots, and after downing them, the man put his hand on my shoulder again and began talking about how much he loved coming to this bar.

I shimmered away from his touch the first time, and he put his hand on my waist next. I was about to pry his fingers away gently when I heard him yelp, and I turned to see Jack standing behind me, bending the guy’s fingers.

“One rule about flirting with women is to never touch them till they make the first move. That just makes you look like a creep,” he said in a stern, gruff voice that sounded rough. “Now hurry away.”

Once Jack and I were alone at the bar, Jack smiled, took out his handkerchief, and wiped his hands.

“I didn’t need you to save me, Jack,” I said to him before looking away and facing the bar again.

“But I need you to marry me, Nina,” he said as he sat beside me.

Not again.“Jack … whatever game you think you’re playing, I’m not interested.”

“It’s not a game, I’m in need of a wife.”

A harsh chuckle left my lips. “Any woman who marries you will be so unlucky.”

“Why?” he asked, frowning like he was genuinely confused.

“Because you will drive her insane,” I told him, then got up and began walking towards the exit. I got out of the club, but Jack was right behind me. The second he touched my shoulder, I grabbed it, twisted it back, and made him groan.

“Nina, it’s me,” he said with a tinge of hurt trickling in his tone.

“I know,” I said. “You taught me this move, remember? For self-defense? I was only eighteen at the time,” I reminded him, then smirked and released his hand. “Leave me alone, Jack. I mean it.”

With that, I walked away from him, not minding the fact that my cheeks burned from the flush of his unexpected proposal.


I knew Jack Muller too well. He wasn’t the man for romance and love. Playing around, yes; charming ladies, yes; but definitely not love.

So why was he asking me to marry him?

The thoughts of Jack swamped my mind as I focused on wiping my lens and preparing for the next photoshoot with my newest clients. The photography agency I worked for was in partnership with Page Six for a year, and we were handling all of their photoshoots and video coverages for whatever publications they were making.

Jack was just one in the long line of celebrities I had to photograph for the coming week. After wiping the lens, I took out my phone and began checking my schedule for the day.

I checked my time. It was almost time for the shoot to begin, and I was certain our model for the day was out of the dressing room. Sighing and rubbing the back of my neck to ease some bits of my tension, I walked towards the studio.

The entire place seemed completely quiet, and I was wondering where the rest of the team had disappeared as I opened the door to walk in.

“Surprise!” the crowd in there inside yelled, shocking me till I shrieked and staggered back. Jack was kneeling in front of them, holding a bouquet of flowers, and wearing a very dazzling smile that made my heart tickle a little.

“Marry me, Nina,” he said in his silky tone. He nibbled on his lower lip as he smiled at me. His eyes squinted at the corners, and his gaze turned smoky enough to make my cheeks hot.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I queried him as I drew closer.

“Marry me, Nina … I’m not standing up till you say yes.”