I needed someone to play the role of my wife. Someone I could trust—someone smart and yet strong. Someone like Nina.

But she’s never going to agree.It was a crazy idea, but as soon as it entered my mind, the wheels of my brain ran with it.What if I could convince Nina to be my wife?

Just for a few weeks, of course. I had no intention of marrying her or anyone else, but I couldn’t think of anyone more perfect to play this role.

When Nina arrived at the VIP section, I watched her sashay her way toward where Ryan and I sat. Whenever we hung out here, it was restricted from other VIP guests, and since my club was big enough, they could use other VIP sections.

“Hey Ryan,” Nina greeted sweetly, then looked at me and said, “You.”

She sat, crossing her legs in front of her, and I admired the show of skin in the short red-sequined dress she wore.

“Why are you wearing a wig?” Ryan asked, staring at her in shock as she tossed some strands of the black hair to one side of her shoulder and smiled.

“We’re at a club, right? I can be whatever I want in it,” she answered.

“I don’t even want to know,” Ryan said, then got on his feet. “I’ll get us more martinis. The night is still young.”

He walked away, and I looked at Nina. She pretended not to notice me staring, so I took the chance to admire the small frame of her shoulders exposed on her halter-neck dress and the tiny pendant that sat on her chest.

I remembered that pendant. Ryan and I chose it for her twentieth birthday; she hadn’t taken it off since.

“This place keeps getting bigger by the day. Business seems to be booming,” she said as she eased further into her chair and looked at me.

I didn’t reply. I was too lost in admiring her and taking in all of her small gestures and facial expressions. My body stirred just from looking at her. Heat swamped me and brought passion alive deep inside me.

Without thinking or realizing that my crazy idea was already breathing life, I blurted out the words. “Marry me, Nina.”

Chapter Three


Ifroze,everytingleswimming through me just because Jack was watching disappeared, and the only thing left was mirth bubbling to the surface with a force I couldn’t hold back. I burst into a thick laugh and let my insides roll with it.

“Nina,” Jack said as my laugh subsided, but the grin on my lips stayed. “I mean it, Nina, marry me,” he repeated.

“You’re crazy,” I said while shaking my head and giggling again. “You’re a clown, actually.”

“I’m serious.”

“You can’t be.” I looked at him, and he cocked his head to one side, then gave me a solemn look. “You’re insane,” I whispered and picked up the glass on the table, then sipped from the martini. “Hmm, strong, just what I need to knock me senseless tonight and rid me of your silliness.”

“Why is it silliness that I’m asking you to marry me?”

I took another sip. “because …” I was about to take another swig from the glass, but I paused and looked at him. “Because we don’t work well together.”

The right corner of Jack’s lips lifted into a smug smile, and then he leaned forward on his chair and pried the glass out of my hands. “Last time we were together, we worked really well, Nina. I know you remember it too.”

Bang!Heat exploded inside me just from his suggestive words, and a slow hum started in my blood. It made me melt inside and feel queasy in the pit of my stomach.

I hate this feeling.I hated that I was feeling it for Jack of all men. Why did it have to be him?

“I’m not doing this with you, Jack.”

“Doing what?” he questioned in an innocent tone like he didn’t know what I was talking about.

“I’m not flirting with you tonight. In fact, I’m waltzing out of this section right now to find myself some hot man to take me home tonight, and it’s not going to be you.”

Why did you just say that?I wanted to cringe as soon as the words were out because they made me sound jealous, or rather desperate to make him jealous.