Hold on, gattina.You can make it. I believe in you.
I pulled the gas mask off the wall and walked around her. “Look up,gattina.”
She did, and her eyes landed on the gas mask. Rigid terror struck her, and she scrambled backwards away from me. “No.”
I frowned. “What did you say?”
“No,” she said. “No, I won’t do that.”
She never had this reaction to anything before. What the hell did the gas mask mean to her that she would react this way? More importantly, was anyone within sight of us right now that would cause a problem?
Delano was becoming obsessed with her. Not a day had passed without him offering to buy her, and today it was only a matter of time. And of course, when I turned, he was across the club, leaning against the wall, watching the entire interaction.
Fucking hell.
“I’m not sure what gave you the impression you had a choice in the matter,” I said. “I told you to kneel.”
“No,” she shook her head. “No.”
Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out my cell and dialed Sebastian. He answered immediately. “Yeah?”
“I need you in the club. Right now.”
“On my way.”
Staring down at Selena, I kept my face neutral. There was nothing I could do while we were being watched except to look at her and hope she realized what she was doing. This wouldn’t end well for her.
If this were currently a dynamic where we could talk about her fear, we would stop and sit and hash out the reaction and why she had it. We would decide together if it was something we needed to explore. Or, depending on the level of the dynamic, she would tell me, and I would decide how to proceed.
But here?
I couldn’t ask.
Not even five minutes later, Sebastian approached and saw where Selena had crawled backwards against the wall and was still staring at us like we were venomous snakes. “What happened?”
“I was going to put the gas mask on her for some low oxygen play, and she told me no,” I said with a sigh. “Fucking Delano is on the other side of the club, observing.”
“Perfect.” The word dripped with sarcasm.
I slid my hands into my pockets and kept staring at our Omega. “He’s asked to see you do impact play with her multiple times, and while he’s watching, we can’t let something like this stand. Feel like getting out your toys?”
He considered it. Sebastian loved both impact play and pain. There was a bit of a sadistic streak in him. But just like the rest of us, he preferred working on someone who agreed to it and actually enjoyed it. “Sure,” he said. “Take her to one of the frames and I’ll grab my bag.”
I hung the gas mask back on the wall and hauled her to her feet. “I don’t know what brought that on, but it wasn’t a good idea,gattina. Whatever you were afraid of with that mask, it’s nothing compared to the punishment you’re getting for disobeying a direct order.”
My hand was around her arm as I guided her through the club to one of the metal frames that allowed complete access in three hundred and sixty degrees. But I felt the change in her and the new relaxation. She didn’t even care that she was being punished. Instead of conscious terror, she was far more relaxed.
Taking her hands in mine, I attached both of them to the metal loops above her head and left her standing. “If you think you’re getting off easy for this, you’re wrong, Selena. Disobedience cannot and will not be tolerated.”
“Yes, Master.”
Back to the vague and uninterested answer.
Seb reappeared, put his bag down on the nearby table, and began to unpack everything. He basically brought an entire kink store with him in the one bag.
“She’s relieved to be punished,” I told him. “This is deeper, so be careful, but we can’t let it stand.”
He looked at her, eyes scanning her back. “No, we can’t. Put her hair up.” Seb handed me a hair tie, and I twisted her hair into a knot so all the skin on her back was exposed with nothing in the way.