Page 48 of Seducing Selena

“Do you need me to stay?”

“Grab Nick,” he said softly. “If I’m going to punish her like this, I want all of us close by. I’m not going to go too far, but you know why.”

Because in spite of everything, we cared about this woman. She took comfort in our presence because she belonged to us. This would be painful and if our presence made it one speck more bearable, we would do whatever the hell we could.

“I will.”

Before I turned to get Nick, I saw him pull out a whip.




Seb’s face hovered in front of mine. “You disobeyed, princess.”

Of course I did. He was going to put a gas mask on me. I was claustrophobic, and the idea of my face being fully enclosed like that nearly gave me a heart attack.

When they stole my breath it wasn’t the same. There was still open space around me, nothing to run into and be trapped. Even the cage I woke up in had been all right because, though it was small, there was air and space between the bars.

This was entirely different. “Yes, Master,” I said.


“Does it matter?”

A finger lifted my chin to look into his eyes. Sebastian frowned. “It could.”

No. It couldn’t.

The whip in his hand told me that. If they wouldn’t listen to me, it didn’t matter what I said. I was getting punished, end of story. My mind was done. There was a bleakness to the world today I couldn’t combat. So I would stay here inside myself and let the world carry on without me. Maybe I could try again tomorrow.

“Just get it over with,” I muttered.

“Watch your mouth,” Seb snapped. “I guess I can’t even have the option of going easy on you, can I?”

I said nothing.

Sebastian grabbed my chin. This time he took it fully in his hand, making sure I looked at him. “You think I want to do this?”

“You like pain,Master. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”

He sighed. “You like pain too, little one. But this won’t be the kind either of us enjoys.” Running his hands over my skin, he felt for something. I had no idea what. “I’m not going to break your skin, Selena. Even if it feels that way, I’m not doing that.”

So I wouldn’t be a piece of bloody meat hanging from a metal pole.

Small favors.

“I want you to keep in mind how I would prefer to introduce this to you,” Sebastian said quietly, speaking as he walked around my body so his voice skimmed over my shoulder. “Your legs spread with a bar between them, strapped to a vibrator, orgasms in between every time I take my tools to you. You claim I like pain, and I do. But remember what I told you? Ilovetaking people to the place where they can no longer distinguish between pleasure and pain and it’s all an overwhelming, intense, euphoric experience for everyone.

“But we can’t do that now.”

I pulled against my cuffs, struggling. “Don’t pretend I chose this.”

An arm came around my waist and yanked me back against his body. He was hard against my ass, mouth pressed to my ear. “Didn’t you?”
