“You left her up here alone?”
“What, you wanted her downstairs with the rest of them? We have the cameras. It’s fine. Besides, it looks like she barely moved.”
Heavy footsteps approached me. “Selena.”
I blinked my eyes open, not needing to fake exhaustion. Derek stood over me. “Did you move from this spot?”
Lowering my gaze, I shook my head.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “Okay. Come here. We need to have a chat.”
Slowly, I extricated myself from the pillow and followed him out of the living room. We went down a hallway and into a big office. Sebastian and the third man were already there, sitting in chairs. A big desk sat in front of the large window, but the three chairs were on this side of the desk.
“There,” Derek pointed to the floor. “Kneel.”
I couldn’t stop the small whimper in my throat. My knees still hurt from earlier.
The nameless Alpha snapped his eyes to me. “Part of your training, slave. You better get used to being on your knees, because you’re going to spend a lot of time that way.”
My mind shut down at his words. I still couldn’t believe this was really happening. I’d been… sold. Ripped from my home and sold, sent on a mission, all because of some crime I didn’t commit.
Derek sat in the empty chair. “How did you get here, Selena?”
“I told you that. I don’t know. I woke up backstage.”
“Nope,” he said. “Try again.”
Looking up, I got my firstreallook at all of their faces. The unfairness of all of it hit me once again. Because they were handsome. In the real world? This would be a no-brainer. Too bad being beautiful didn’t mean anything when it came to being a good person. “There’s not another answer,” I said.
“We know everyone who comes in and out of our club, Omega. So to get in here without us knowing, someone had to help you. Tell us who it was, and we can protect you.” The nameless Alpha said. “You don’t seem like someone who wants to hurt anyone, so if they sent you to spy, just tell us.”
He was right. They had sent me, but I didn’t know who, and if I opened my mouth, I put Anna at risk. I couldn’t do that, no matter how much. Aside from that, these Alphas weresellingOmegas. They weren’t good. I had zero confidence that they wouldn’t hurt me if I told them the truth.
I wasn’t an idiot. This wasn’t a situation where I had a white knight about to ride in and save the day. People who disappeared usually didn’t come back, and the best I could do right now was keep myself, and my sister, alive.
Sebastian looked over at the man. “Seems like she’s made her choice, Nick.”
Derek sighed. “It seems so.” He locked his blue eyes on me again. “As I told you before, we can’t let you go without knowing why you’re here or how you got here. I’m sure you understand why. Even if I could let you go free and are completely innocent, you’ve been seen and would be in danger. I’m not in the habit of letting a perfectly good product walk out the door that someone could have for free when we can make a profit, but we’re still going to offer you a choice.”
I looked up hopefully.
“Be sold or stay here.”
Dread slid down my spine. “What?”
“There are plenty of people who would buy you outright. So it’s your choice whether to stay or go.”
“That’s not a choice.”
He shrugged and spread his hands open. “It’s all you have.”
My mind was still shuttered. I knew what was happening, but I didn’t know how to react. Was I pushed so far beyond the edges of my mind that I couldn’t react?
I lowered my eyes to the floor.
It was… okay. If my mind was trying to protect me by not letting all of this in, I would let it.