Page 94 of Forever Flirting

“Colonel Bradford, I wish to file a grievance for Lieutenant Colonel Reilly’s conduct unbecoming an officer and assault on my person while simply instructing one of my team members how to follow orders…”

“Jeez Merrick…” the other man chuckled. “You’ve got some brass, son.”

“Sir? Permission to speak freely?”


“I eat, sleep, and breathe Air Force protocols… and this situation has been wrong for a very long time. Can you please assign someone who actually cares about the team – because, as you can see? We have entirely too much gross misconduct and lack of protocols currently in our leader that you see before you.”

“And I suppose you are the man for the job?”

“I… would… be… honored, sir,” Reaper drawled out in a silent hiss, not backing down or looking away from Reilly’s mottled red face as he released Reaper’s uniform with a slight shove that didn’t go unnoticed by anyone in the room.

“Reilly – you are relieved of duty at this time. Security, please escort Lieutenant Colonel Reilly to his quarters, and I need a report from each of you on what has just transpired.”

As the security team walked out with Reilly, the colonel standing there in the room rubbed the back of his neck and looked at the two of them, almost disbelieving and flabbergasted at what he saw just transpire.

“Merrick, you know you cannot jump two ranks, but dang, son…”

“Begging your pardon, Colonel Bradford? In times of war, there are exceptions made all the time,” Reaper said quietly, holding himself still.

“We are barely at war, and things are settling down.”

“Yes, sir.”

… No one moved and the clock on the wall ticked silently, almost in time with Alex’s heartbeat.

“I guess I better hurry then…”

“Yes sir,” Reaper smiled and looked at the colonel – who burst out laughing, shaking his head as he left the room.

“Nothing leaves this room, Maestro – am I clear?” Reaper said bluntly.

“Yes, sir.”

“Nothing is official until it’s on paper – so turn in your formal resignation, and make sure to date it when you type it up,” Reaper ordered, smirking, “And I might need someone to watch my back for a few days – am I clear?”

“You got it.”

“Congratulations on your wedding,” Reaper said quietly, finally relaxing his stance. “My wife told me you got married, but I’ve been a little busy with meetings and dealing with all of this…” he waved his hand slightly. “I’ve got two years left in my commission. I might as well try to make rank, so I have some say in what happens here… before I go home to my Sophie.”

“I can’t believe that I just witnessed…”

“Write it up while it’s fresh in your mind – and leave nothing out,” Reaper said bluntly. “Please? I don’t mean to sound subordinate, but the team needs a break from Reilly – even if it’s temporary or someone other than me. He’s well-known for being cruel and for toying with people – so print a few copies of your resignation, if you get my drift.”

“I do – and thank you.”

“I’m just glad he didn’t hit me, or I might have lost my cool,” Reaper grinned. “Man, that felt a little too good… and remember – say nothing.”

Both men laughed nervously as they walked down the hallway towards the barracks.

* * *

That night,Alex called Everly, needing to hear her voice and knowing he couldn’t put anything down on paper.


“Hey Baby, how do you like your eggs? Fried or fertilized…” Alex smiled, loving that he could flirt with his wife and her reaction to it, as he heard her soft laughter filling his heart.