Page 87 of Forever Flirting

“I go by Officer Evans now, instead of Maiden – but you can call me Ivy, and a friend,” the woman beamed, smiling and hugging Everly, before pulling her away from everyone… only to hear Alex’s nervous laughter.

“C’mon guys…”

“Nope. Every guy getsthe talk, and we need to discuss your future.”

“Remember, a happy wife is a happy life!”

“They’ll be a few minutes,” Ivy smiled, allowing the door to shut behind her as she saw several children dancing to some music playfully – including Caleb.

He was bending his knees, bobbing, and smiling at everyone, waving. There was another little boy there with a cowboy hat on his head, and a blond-haired girl who was happily chewing on a strawberry.

“C’mon, Mrs. Maestro…” Dixie smiled happily, handing her a plastic, red Solo cup. “Glory made this up for the adults. The punchbowl is 7-Up and ice cream mix, but the grownups get margaritas.”

“I don’t drink.”

“It’s your wedding day – live a little.”

Everly hesitated, realizing that they were all expecting her to relax, unwind, and be a part of their group, their ‘family’, and were trying to welcome her in like she’d been there all along.

It was strange to see how open and accepting they were… and she wished her brother could be here to join in. She wondered if he would be outside talking with the other men, or if he would be inside, encouraging her to relax and enjoy herself.

… And she knew.

Everly took a sip and scrunched up her nose almost immediately as the pungent aftertaste hit her taste buds.

“It’s… salty?”

“Margaritas,” Glory smiled. “It’s kind of our thing. If we are celebrating or having a rough day, we get together for margaritas and chocolate.”

“Can we add cheesecake to the list – and herbal tea?” Everly volunteered pointedly, shivering at the taste once more… only to see that they were staring at her with stunned expressions. “What?”

“Why have we not added cheesecake to the list of comfort foods?” Marisol asked bluntly, looking at the other girls. “I freakin’ love cheesecake.”

“It’s so fattening…”

“Girl, Armadillo loves your curves, and you’ve been pregnant almost the entire time since you married the man…”

“Speaking of – no alcohol for me, Glory,” Delilah smiled, causing several of the women to roll their eyes.

“Are you kidding me? Are you popping out another one?”

“You’re pregnant –again?”

“Congratulations,” Everly said openly, smiling at the woman’s glowing expression, and turned to see her friend off in the distance alone. “Mallory, come join us?”

“Is she single?” Glory asked in a hushed whisper.

“Glory – don’t…”


“She’s talking to Paradox – I think,” Everly whispered under her breath. “Don’t say or do anything.”

“Oooooooh! Even better!” Dixie purred and smiled happily, looking at the other women as Ivy laughed beside her pointedly, hugging her.

“Welcome to our club, hon,” Ivy beamed. “You just made the list.”

“What list?”