Page 88 of Forever Flirting

“Of Glory’s helpers… she wants everyone to be as happy with their marriage as she and Alpo are.”

“One can only hope,” Everly said, looking outside to see Alex smiling with the other guys – and his eyes met hers through the glass. She saw him move away from the other guys, walking inside, and heard several animated sighs behind her as he crossed the room to be beside her.

“Hey pretty lady,” Alex teased intimately. “You lookin’ for someone?”

“My date… for life.”

“I’m right here, ready to fill that role happily,” Alex said softly, taking her cup, holding her gaze, and taking a sip… only to make a face. “Are they trying to get you drunk? That’s disgustingly strong!”

“HEYYY now!”

“I thought you didn’t drink?”

“I don’t.”

“It’s her wedding day, let her have a drink,” Glory ordered, frowning at the two of them.

“That’s almost straight liquor – and I want her happy, not hugging a toilet because she’s hung over.”

“She’s not a sissy… are you?” Glory whispered, looking suddenly alarmed.

“Nooo…” Everly chuckled nervously, looking at the expectant expressions on their smiling faces. “Not in the slightest, but I thought I would have one small drink to celebrate.”

“Remember that tequila shot I talked you into several years ago?” Alex began. “There’s about eight or more in that single cup.”


“Nuh-uh…” Glory interrupted. “There’s four.”

“Oh geez…” Everly laughed, and handed the cup back to the woman.

“Well, she’s not ex-military, is she?” Glory winked as Alpo reached over his wife’s shoulder, plucked the cup out of her hand, and downed half of it without missing a beat.

“You just drank after my wife – not yours,” Alex laughed, as Alpo shivered noticeably.

“No wonder it wasn’t sweet…”

“I love you, Puddin’…” Glory purred, turning to hug her husband and kiss his cheek. “You say the sweetest things.”

“Because I married the sweetest girl,” Alpo crooned. “Let’s go see if Madison and Michael are still under the table sneaking strawberries from Betsy’s plate – and maybe I can get a dance or two in before the twins notice the cake.”

The couple walked off, moving to the makeshift dance floor, as several others paired up around them. Alex turned to look at her, and smiled tenderly… holding out his hand.

“Do you want to dance, my love?”

“Forever,” she smiled, putting her hand in his.

* * *

Hours later,Everly looked around and took several photos to send to her brother and parents, along with a brief video. She wanted a longer video, but the size of the file wouldn’t go through or bounced.

She was truly happy.

Cutting the cake with Alex had seemed surreal, almost like they were truly forming a bond. Her hand had been with his, they’d smiled and laughed together, posing dutifully for photos, and she treasured him holding her close, hugging her, as they cut the first slice.

They fed each other a bite dutifully… and Caleb ran up to them, immediately wanting a ‘Mmm’Bite’ too, holding open his mouth.

Alex laughed, dropping a bite of cake into his son’s mouth, before winking at her. Everly cut another large slice of cake, handing the plateful to Mallory and Caleb, wanting to include them in her joy, her celebration.