“Oh heck…” Ricochet muttered openly, uncrossing his arms and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Right, ‘heck’, exactly - but I had no idea it was your sister and…”
The onlookers immediately started hooting, calling out the odds, and exchanging money, putting bets on a fight that was bound to occur, especially after Ricochet’s reaction before when Alex flew out almost eight days ago.
“I need your help with Everly,” Alex blurted out openly. “I want to impress her, reach her, and really think she’s amazing. What does she like? What’s her favorite things? What does she like to do for fun?”
“Let me get this straight,” Ricochet said evenly. “I told you to stay away from my sister, you threatened to ‘knock it out of the ballpark going after her’, and…”
“I’m barely even in theparking lotof that proverbial ballpark, Ricochet,” Alex uttered bluntly. “And you are right – Everly is too good for me. She’s absolutely slumming when she is with me -but heaven help me– I’ve not stopped thinking about her for almost three years now. Not since the first time I met her. I never imagined I’d get this chance again – or that the girl I couldn’t stop thinking about was actually your sister.”
The two men looked at each other.
“I’m asking for your help and understanding, Ricochet…”
“This explains my sister’s email,” Ricochet smirked, shaking his head. “You two are trying to be so cool and so evasive, but you are both obviously interested in each other. I can’t believe all of this...”
“She asked about me?” Alex asked, stunned.
“She wanted to know about ‘all of my coworkers’ and asked me to ‘spare no details’… and now I know who she was wanting to know about specifically.”
Alex couldn’t help the smile that blossomed on his face as he looked at the other man.
“You haven’t crossed the line with my baby sister – have you?” Ricochet said darkly, causing the guys in the distance to all pause as they waited for the ‘fight’ to begin.
“Nope. We both want to take things slow, become friends, and get to know each other better… but I want to make her think of me while I’m gone. I want to court her like some old-fashioned guy. I thought I might send her a few things here and there, some flowers, maybe earrings, or her favorite candy, or…”
“Are you okay, buddy?” Ricochet asked, chuckling in amusement.
“I’m fine – why?”
“Do I even have a chance with her? I mean, you told me she wouldn’t give me the time of day… but I didn’t pick that up from her. I mean, she was so sweet and nice.”
“Maestro – relax,” Ricochet said quickly, clapping Alex on the shoulder. “C’mon. I was just heading to the mess hall, and we can talk over lunch. I want to know where you met her, how she’s doing, and all the details. I was actually thinking of flying back home, but I don’t want her to think her brother is snooping on her.”
“I don’t think she would think that at all,” Alex replied, walking with the other man… hearing the chorus of disappointed groans behind them. “She would love to see you – and truthfully? It would be nice to know she’s got someone there looking out for her, even if it’s for a short time.”
“You really like her – don’t you?”
“She’s incredible, Ricochet,” Alex admitted quietly. “I’m seriously in trouble this time. Everly isn’t just some girl to talk to, kiss, or fool around with… she’s the real deal.”
Ricochet stopped – and looked at him.
“Yeah, she is,” he said with a tone Alex had never heard from the man before. “… And maybe I was wrong about you before.”
“I’m never going to hurt her and…”
Alex almost continued speaking, but stopped as he realized just how deeply he felt for Everly and how much he wanted to see what a relationship would be like between them. He had said he wanted forever – but it wasn’t just a line anymore.
It was an oath.
A vow.
He wanted forever – at her side.
“… I think I’m falling for her,” Alex whispered in a raw voice, looking at Ricochet and feeling scared for the first time in forever – only to see the other man’s knowing smile. “She deserves so much better than me – and you were right. Oh my gosh… What am I going to do?”