“Relax,” Ricochet chuckled, picking up a tray to put their plates on and handing Alex one. “Breathe. My sister does deserve better than you, but she’s always made her own decisions regardless of what anyone says. Do not assume to make one for her or you are already a goner. Be yourself, relax, and there must be something in you to make Everly give you the time of day…”
“You’re okay with this?”
“No,” Ricochet grinned. “But this is going to be so much fun to watch from this side of the fence – so long as I don’t get some weepy letter from Everly that you broke her heart.”
The other pilot paused, holding out his plate for the impending plop of mashed potatoes that was dropped on there unceremoniously before moving down the chow line.
“Cause then I’ll break your face,” Ricochet said easily, grinning at him. “Good luck, Maestro… because either way is a win for me.”
Alex held out his own plate and felt it sag as he received his own serving of potatoes.
“Thanks a lot.”
“Oh, you’re so very welcome, my friend.”
* * *
That evening,Alex was sitting at the computer, trying to think of what to say to Everly… and searching for a surprise for her online. He didn’t want to be some typical guy, sending candy or flowers, but wanted to ‘wow’ her and really make an impression.
Ricochet told him that she was exceedingly sentimental and preferred things that had meaning – except that they really had no past. He couldn’t send her a bottle of tequila or a case of bottled water, because that was just tacky.
They had gone to Flyboys for a burger…
Alex shook his head, sighing heavily. He wasn’t sending her a burger or hamburger meat because that was disgusting and weird. He knew exactly how he would feel if someone mailed him frozen ground beef – if that was even a thing?
No, he needed something that would touch Everly’s heart.
Scrolling through the screen, he kept looking and looking… before hesitating. There before him was something that reminded him of that night at the bar where he’d first met her. Maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing for him to do, but if he could attach a note? Make it sweet and sentimental? Maybe she wouldn’t associate it with his screw up?
Putting the item in the cart, he continued browsing… and saw a few of the other guys leaving the computer room.
It was going to be ‘lights out’ soon – and he still needed to write Everly.
Cursing softly, he hurried to place the order and dug out her business card from his wallet, so he had an address to mail it to… and hesitated.
Alex realized that he could mail the gift to the same address Mallory gave him now that he knew Everly lived there – and decided against it. No, he wanted this to be for her… and her alone.
Browsing the toys, he found a Little Tykes chunky airplane for his son and mailed it to Caleb, before composing a quick email to both of them.
It would be best to keep things separate so there was some sense of privacy… and this was just for them. He hated that it was going to Everly’s office, but he would be even more upset if the package went missing or was intercepted. He simply didn’t know Mallory well enough to risk anything at all with Everly.
… Especially after finding out that Mallory had known this whole time and kept it a secret from them both. Yeah, that would take some time to get past that tidbit of knowledge.
* * *
Dear Everly,
I got back into town late, fell into my bunk, and was out on recon all day – so I am sorry this took a little while to get to you.
Your brother is doing well and seems very happy. We had lunch together. I told him about your practice and how well you were doing. I hope you don’t mind?
He’s important to you and I can tell from the way you talk about him – and how he talks about you, now that I know you are the nameless sister he brags about. Yeah, he always refers to you as his sister and never ‘Everly’ because he’s very protective – and guys can be real dummies sometimes (including this one)…
I miss you already.
I know it’s silly and we are working on the ‘friendship’ part between us – but I cannot get that little eskimo kiss out of my head or stop seeing your smile. The feeling of your hand in mine was incredible. I never thought of myself as much of a ‘hand-holding-type-of-guy’… but I never wanted to let go.
Let’s see, some things about me and my daily life…