Page 31 of Forever Flirting


“Ebberrleeee!” Caleb called out, immediately reaching for her.

“Hey buster,” she said easily, holding out her hands to the little boy as she took him from Alex, kissing Caleb on the cheek. “I forgot you were spending time with… with your Daddy,” she hesitated, realizing that it was indeed true.

“I hope you don’t mind,” Alex said quietly. “I only have one more day left in town, and I didn’t want to give up my time with Caleb.”

“It’s one hour,” Everly reaffirmed, nodding. “I wouldn’t expect you to do so, nor would I ask you too.”

“One hour…”

“Yep,” she said simply, not backing down and avoiding his gaze. “This isn’t a date, but a chance to clear the air. One hour should be plenty of time.”

“Okay, Everly,” Alex said quietly, nodding, and holding out his hand, indicating that she should walk first.

Everly nuzzled the little boy’s cheek, hearing him laugh, and then whispered to Caleb that he needed to be good about going for a car ride, before handing him back to Alex.

“There’s a café up the road that is nice and shouldn’t be too crowded.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“I’ll get my car and you can follow me.”

“You don’t want to ride together?”

“One hour,” she reminded him evenly.

“You want an escape route,” he said in quiet understanding, causing Everly to hesitate at the brittle truth that hung between them.

“I need one right now,” she admitted.

“I’m never going to hurt you.”

“You already have.”

Both of them got quiet, and Alex sighed heavily.

“I meant physically,” Alex said in a resigned voice. “I know there is no undoing what happened, but I would like to get to know you – and for you to know me. I screwed up and there’s no hiding that, no changing my past, and I would never abandon Caleb now that he’s here. He’s a part of my life, and I’m human just like everyone else, but…”

“I know that,” Everly interrupted, looking at him and meeting his hazel eyes. “That’s why I’m here for coffee.”

“Then why do I feel like this is hopeless,” Alex said hoarsely, his eyes searching hers. “Because I feel like you’ve already made up your mind, and I don’t think I can handle being rejected by you again.”

Everly hated that his words were cutting through her with an honesty that was alarming and unsettling. Where Mallory had avoided telling her things, Alex wasn’t holding back… and while it was hard?

It was very much appreciated.

“My mind is not made up yet, which is why we are heading for coffee. The cafe is four blocks up and on the right,” Everly said quietly.

Alex let out a sigh before nodding, turning to talk to Caleb and whispering to him.

“C’mon buddy. We are going for a car ride, and then getting you something nummy to eat… okay?”

Everly couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips as Caleb began his normal freakout at being strapped down into his car seat, knowing how loud it would be in the car and how angry the little boy would get.

Sliding into her own car, she saw Alex give her a slight wave, telling her he was ready to go, before she pulled out of the parking lot. Moments later, she was putting her car in park.

Alex’s rental vehicle pulled into the space beside her… and she waved at Caleb. It took Alex a minute to get the toddler out, and he hefted up the pink diaper bag, when it hit her.