That wasn’t Mallory’s diaper bag.
She had a sturdy, dark blue diaper bag with a padded mat that unfolded, and pockets that she used to put her keys inside of. No, she had given Alex a pink diaper bag… was it in an attempt to shame him?
Was the other woman so bitter that she was doing everything she could subtlety to sabotage the visit?
Alex hefted the pink diaper bag on his shoulder without a care in the world, lifting Caleb onto his hip, before blowing raspberries on his cheek and neck, pretending he was a monster and growling at Caleb.
“I’m gonna gobble you up, because you are so sweet…” Alex growled softly to the little boy, making him squeal as he struggled to get away.
Mallory was right.
Alexwastrying – and struggling.
He didn’t have enough time with Caleb to learn every trick in the book, but was slowly finding his place with him, and desperately trying to be a father to the boy. Everly couldn’t fault him for being an awkward parental figure when he didn’t know how, and saw his son for four or five days every few months.
It was terribly sad… and made her feel even worse.
If Alex was a half-decent human being after all? This just made her feel empathy for the man, and she couldn’t afford to be sympathetic until she made up her mind on whether or not to even continue this conversation.
Stepping inside, she saw Alex’s face light up with surprise as he spotted the redhead behind the counter.
“Are you kidding me…” Everly muttered under her breath, realizing that the man would flirt with anything remotely female, apparently.
First her, then Mallory, and now this woman?
“Hey Dixie,” Alex began, startling Everly by the ease in which he spoke. “Is Romeo here with you today?”
“Hey Maestro,” the woman smiled. “Nahhh, Romeo is teaching with Houdini this afternoon. They were overbooked and needed to split the class. Is this your sweet boy?”
“Yup. This is Caleb,” Alex volunteered and looked at Everly, “And my friend, Everly Briscoe.”
“Nice to meet you,” she said openly, smiling and holding out her hand towards Everly. “I’m Dixie Tarrant, and my husband is one of the Flyboys that teach at the air strip. Someday we are going to snag a few more of these sweet fellas to come work with them…” she finished, pointing at Alex, who was smirking.
“Someday…” Alex said easily. “Maybe.”
“Whatever,” Dixie laughed. “Don’t be shy about it. You know the guys would have you there in a heartbeat if you said the word…”
Everly shook her hand politely, trying to follow the conversation between the two that were obviously friendly and awfully chummy. She was fighting the guilty jealousy that was bubbling inside of her, wanting to ask what exactly his relationship was with her, knowing already that he was friends with her husband… but was there something more he was hiding?
How was this ever going to work if she couldn’t trust him – or was afraid to?
“Can we get two coffees, Dixie?” Alex said easily, and then looked at Caleb. “And one cookie and a pint of chocolate milk for my son?”
“Mallory doesn’t let him have chocolate milk,” Everly said quietly, volunteering the information in case Alex didn’t know.
“Mallory isn’t here,” Alex countered evenly. “And I want him to remember being with me, so if being spoiled triggers something in his memory? I’m glad that it was with me, because I love him – and want him to have the best. Would you like something with your coffee?”
Everly shook her head no.
,She couldn’t fault him for thinking like that – and realized he was right. The occasional treat wouldn’t hurt anyone and seeing how Alex was with Caleb showed that he was trying to make an impression on the boy.
Alex went to go pay – and Dixie brushed him off.
“Go,” Dixie smiled. “We’ve got you. Enjoy your time with Caleb.”
“Dixie, I’ll pay…”
“Maestro – Romeo would have my hide if I charged you for coffee when I give it to the police and fire departments for free.”