Page 30 of Forever Flirting

“… And I don’t know if I can ever get past this,” Everly said quietly, getting up and heading to her bedroom, shutting the door behind her and collapsing on the bed, giving into the tears that were uncontrollable and bitterly painful.

* * *

The next morning,Everly tried to keep an open mind and positive outlook – but it was tough. She was tired, had barely slept, and felt like she had so much weight on her shoulders right now. Everything was bothering her, and she had two text messages from Mallory that she had yet to reply to.

Walk a mile in my shoes before you judge me…

I couldn’t say anything without hurting you – and this is precisely why I kept quiet…

She just needed some space, and meeting with Alex for coffee was probably the worst idea she had ever had. A part of her wanted to believe it was some colossal mistake with horrific timing… but another part, that dark insidious corner of her mind whispered that he was dangerous.

In fact, she’d emailed her brother last night just to say hello and touch on the subject…

* * *

Hey Killian,

Sorry I haven’t written lately – I’ve been really busy dealing with so much drama, disillusionment, and stuff you couldn’t even imagine right now. Let’s just say it’s been a long, eye-opening week, and I never imagined life would be like this.

Maybe if you come visit, we can talk face-to-face… I just can’t in an email and it’s… yeah, what a mess.

I’m fine – just needed to vent.

How are you doing? How’s the team? You never talk about them much, and I wonder what kind of people you surround yourself with… and hope they are good & decent people you are friends with.

I met one person today that used to be stationed out there (someone with a call sign of Alpo?) and he and his wife seemed pretty nice. Tell me about your friends, call signs, and characteristics, so I can be a part of your world.

I heard from Mom and Dad a week ago – they are in the Yukon territory exploring some tiny town. They sounded good. Mom said that by traveling like this and prepping food all the time, they’ve gone vegan. I would have never imagined ‘medium-rare-sirloin-strip-Dad’ would have ever gone vegan…

Will wonders never cease?!

Write when you can – and I’m serious about the details of your life. Spare no expense. I want to know bad habits and everything, so I can put it all together in my mind. You know me… puzzle-queen-extreme! LOL!

Love you,


* * *

The next afternoon,glancing up at the clock and finishing up some paperwork after her last patient… Everly heard the front door to the office open – and heard Megan’s polite voice.

“May I help you, sir?”

“I’m here to see Dr. Briscoe,” came Alex’s voice – and Everly cringed, but not for the reasons she imagined.

She would have thought just hearing his voice would make her think of the entire Mallory/Caleb fiasco, reminding her of his betrayal, her friend’s omission of the truth, and what this whole mess was doing to her. Instead, she felt a jolt of awareness and butterflies.

Stupid. Butterflies.

“I apologize, but Dr. Briscoe is out for the afternoon, and I can…”

“Megan,” Everly interrupted, “Thank you, but I am expecting him.”

“Certainly, Dr. Briscoe,” the woman nodded, looking at her curiously as Everly grabbed her purse and keys, walking towards the door that she knew separated her and Alex.

Alex looked up from where he was the moment she walked out and met her eyes. Caleb was in his arms, and there was so much avid relief in his gaze that she had to physically stop herself from smiling in that moment.

“Hey,” she said simply.