Page 9 of Forever Fondly

I’m currently devouring a well-worn copy of ‘Bearing an Hourglass’ by Piers Anthony. I have all seven books in the Incarnations of Immortality series and probably have read them at least five times – maybe six. I love them and the spines are starting to give at this point.

There’s something so incredible about being picked for something greater than mundane life… and I guess that speaks to me in those stories.

Write soon,


* * *

Jax couldn’t helpthe smile that touched his face as he began to type a reply and realized that she was indeed protecting herself. She never gave her full name… but she had written, so that was something!

He began to compose an email and tried to ignore how much his hands were shaking right now because this stranger, this woman, seemed so very nice – and he felt like a desperate dork.

* * *

Hello Mary,

Thank you for writing and I am so happy to meet you – even if it’s via email. Sometimes that’s the best way, because then you cannot see just how much I’m smiling at the computer screen.

I adore Piers Anthony books – have you read the Xanth novels? Man, I grew up on those and probably wore out the school library’s only set. I’m going to have to check out the Incarnations series. I hesitated because of the covers but I like fantasy books, too. Also, Dragonriders of Pern is spectacular, too – just FYI.

My first name is Jax – please feel free to use it or you can call me Ghost, my call sign. Mr. Cunningham is my dad and I want us to be friends.

I’m thirty, single, and this feels weirdly like the Dating Game – doesn’t it? Perhaps I should tell you my blood type (A positive) or favorite food too (pizza)?

I am a huge Trekkie… not going to lie.

I’ll ‘tap’ my mana pool and put my ‘nerd’ card into play right now, so you can feel free to pick on me. It’s bad and I have no shame. I’ve been to A-kon, GenCon, and one of these days, I plan on going to ComicCon…

I love the entire Star Trek series - from Captain Kirk to Captain Sisko. Gimme a ship, a series, an episode, and I’m in heaven. I think my all-time favorite character is Will Riker on The Next Generation. I’d love to say that ‘I’m as cool as him’ – but I am definitely not.

Who’s your favorite character?

You didn’t mention it…

My Doctor is David Tennant, too. The man was made for that role. The way he enunciates, has such a flare for the dramatic, and how he holds himself on the screen… yup! That was ‘my doctor’ the moment he transformed on the first episode in pajamas wielding that sonic screwdriver to win the day.

So, now that I’ve probably horrified you at what a dork I am?

Hello (again).

I hope to hear back from you and can honestly say that this made my day. Perhaps I will go back, edit it, and remove some of the fumbling comments… so when you get this email?

Remember, this is the ‘smooth and cool’ version of me. Terrifying, I know.

Your friend,


* * *

Jax clicked send onthe email before he could stop himself from sending it. He waited a moment, opened another screen, and sent her the Piers Anthony series on Amazon as a gift to her email – all she would need to do would be to download it.

He hesitated, went back to re-read his email to her, and groaned, putting his head down in his hands.

“No wonder I’m single…” he whimpered aloud before whispering a curse word under his breath. “She’s never going to write you back, you idiot.”

Replying back to the guys, he sighed and put it out there.