Page 8 of Forever Fondly

I give up...


Hi Ghost! I’m Marisol – Valkyrie’s wife.

My pookie bear just left the computer and muttered something about how he needs a beer. Whatever. That sweet, mushy, grumpy-Gus will be just fine…

I was telling him to let you know that girls love a guy that enjoys the same things as them. Yes, we watch Disney movies together, but that is because the songs help calm Toby, and the colors keep him occupied.

Watch something sweet with your girl.

Give her flowers.

Make her feel special.

Share a book with her – or find out what makes her tick, and do it because she likes it. When you put her first, you win the race long before anyone has a chance to get to the starting line.

I talked with Hot Cakes – he said Mary is very pretty, very sweet… but was treated badly by someone else. Let her be the one to open up and tell you – but as a former person who was abused… that’s hard to do.

Be kind above all else and…

Toby is crying again.

It’s time for me and Aeron to go sing Hakuna-Matata to Toby (We are on a Lion King kick lately – and yes! Valkyrie sings!)

Good luck and best wishes!

Hope to meet you soon!

Marisol & Aeron Saxon

* * *

Jax chuckled easily,shaking his head in disbelief as he couldn’t picture the large man that towered over him by at least five inches singing Disney songs to a baby… but maybe marriage and becoming a father changed you as a person.

He sighed.

Marriage wasn’t something he could even fathom or dream about, because he never made it past the second or third date. He heard girls liked a bad guy… but that wasn’t him. Why did they like a bad guy? Why not a good guy? What was wrong with the gentle souls that only wanted to share their life with someone?

Clicking on the email he didn’t recognize; he held his breath and began to read… fascinated.

* * *

Hello Mr. Cunningham,

I’m sure your friends have already told you that I might write you a letter and thought I would introduce myself. My name is Mary. I am divorced, twenty-nine, and really feeling intimidated right now.

This feels weird.

To be completely honest, I don’t know why I’m writing except that it would be nice to have a friend to talk to… but I’m scared, too. I am not ready to discuss why, let’s just say I can be very jaded when it comes to trusting people or making new friends.

I hear that you enjoy Star Trek? Who’s your favorite character? Which series do you enjoy the best?

… And a Dr. Who fan?

You certainly have my attention now – I am a huge Tennant fan. I think he and ‘Dr. Donna’ were excellent together… although Matt Smith and Clara Oswald were a close second for me. Who is your favorite Doctor?

I also hear that you like to read – same here. I read a lot of fantasy books for the escapism. What do you like to read?