She gritted her teeth together. “Because I don’t want my first and only experience with sex to be rape.” She knew she sounded defensive and probably shouldn’t have told him that, but she was so tired of fighting.
She could tell she shocked him again, but he hid it quickly.
The side door opened, and the boss got out, leaned in, and held his hand out to her. She blinked several times to dispel the tears that stung her eyes. She would die with pride that she hadn’t fallen apart. Sara ignored his hand, scooted out, and took a step away from him. He seemed angry when she flinched from him, but what did he expect?
The boss latched onto her arm and led her in the back door. They rode up an elevator and walked down to the end of the hall, where the guy named Mike stood with the door open. He let her go once inside the room, and she moved as far away as she could, pushing one of the chairs into the corner and sitting.
The men talked softly at the doorway, and then the boss looked at her one more time before turning and leaving Sharp and Perkins alone with her. She didn’t mind Sharp too much because he mainly ignored her, but the other man wouldn’t take his slimy gaze off of her, and the way he kept licking his lips and rubbing himself when the other guy’s back was turned made her want to scream.
She had no idea how much time had passed. Each guy took one of the queen beds in the room and watched sports. Sara stayed in the corner as silent and unmoving as possible.
The man named Sharp stood and stretched, but she kept her eyes down.
“I’m going for burgers down the street. What do you want?”
She didn’t know he was talking to her until she saw his lower legs. She raised her face.
“What?” she asked.
“What kind of burger do you want?”
For some reason, that took her by surprise. “Why would you feed me?”
Sharp sighed. “I’ll let Ethan deal with you and answer your questions, but I know he wants me to feed you.”
She shook her head. “No, thank you.”
“When’s the last time you ate?”
She was getting more and more confused. “I don’t know. Maybe last night.”
Sharp shook his head. “I’ll get you a cheeseburger.”
“I won’t eat it. It’s a waste of money,” she said. “I don’t need a full stomach to go to Hell.”
Sharp’s eyebrows snapped together. “How do you know you’d go to Hell?”
“Why would I get a break and go to Heaven? I haven’t done anything worthwhile but take up space. I really doubt God needs me on his lap.”
Sharp cursed, turned, and walked away.
Chapter Three
With one glance at Perkins and the malicious intent in his eyes, she desperately wanted to call Sharp back. Sara took calming breaths and stared down at her hands, counting each second Sharp was away. How long would it take to get hamburgers? Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes?
“Hey, how are you doing?” Perkins said.
Keep it simple and be quiet. Maybe he’d just leave her alone. “Fine, thank you.” The problem was she was good about sensing when things were about to go wrong, and her radar was going wild.
“So, I heard what you said about having your cherry, and I can take care of that for you.”
“No, thank you.”
He stood and took a few steps toward her. “But, cunt, I can make sure the boss just shoots you in the head instead of all the things he’s planning for you.”
Oh, God. Was Ethan planning to do things to her? When she talked to him, she didn’t see a psychopath, crude, sleazy man like the one standing in front of her. Ethan’s eyes were cold and hard but not cruel.