Page 3 of The Mafia's Desire

Sara shook her head.

He tilted his head to the side. “Why? Why would you want to keep it if you think you’re dying tonight and know that little knife is no defense against me?”

“I don’t mind dying. I expect it … but I’ll cut my wrists before you get to try to r-rape me.”

That shocked the shit out of him. “You act like death is not a big deal.”

The woman’s lips pressed together, and any sign of life in her eyes faded to shadows.

“I don’t want to talk anymore. All I ask is if you have any decency, you won’t rape me or put me in water. I prefer a bullet if possible.”

Ethan’s head snapped back. Jesus, she was telling him how to kill her now?

“We’ll deal with that later. Now give me the knife,” Ethan said and held his hand out.

“You promise I won’t get raped?” she asked.

He nodded. He hated when women and sometimes children or even men went through that, and he never intended to do that to anyone.

Chapter Two

Sara was just putting the last can on the shelf when she heard the back door open, and a group of men came in. She couldn’t count how many, she just knew it was over six.

She pressed herself into the corner because the door was halfway open, and anyone would see her if they looked now. Fortunately, the light was off, so she had a chance to conceal herself.

She pressed her hands to her mouth when she heard the shot, and then Owens fell to the ground screaming. God, the man talking sounded so cold, like it was nothing to hurt another human. But then, she really hadn’t met a man that didn’t like to hurt people. She knew the nice ones existed, she’d just never met one.

They dragged Owens out the back door, and she waited for the others to go. A few minutes passed, and she felt the tension rising. What were they doing? Why weren’t they leaving?

Sara wanted to peek and see. Maybe they were gone because she didn’t hear anything, but she hadn’t heard the last few men leave either. She snuck out of the small space she’d been crouching in and grabbed the shelves to steady herself. It was like slow-motion when the can of vegetables started to fall, and then when it hit the floor, the sound was explosive.

Just that little thing, that little bitty mistake, was going to get her killed because those men would definitely find her now. She crouched down, not really trying to hide because that was pointless. She wanted to pray that he killed her quickly. That’s all she asked.

She tried not to flinch when the man reached for her but stood quickly and took a step to the side. He was very tall and either muscular or had some extra weight on him the way he filed out the suit he was wearing. Under normal circumstances, she would think he was handsome with his dark hair and eyes.

She tried keeping her attention on one man. It helped to keep her fear from soaring. The man seemed to be in charge, but she could see that without him talking. His persona was that of an alpha that had to control everything and everyone. She knew the type, she just hadn’t seen one to this extreme.

All the questions were making her more nervous. She didn’t want him to know anything about her before he killed her. No one would ever come looking for her or wonder what happened to her. She was as alone in the world as anyone could possibly be. Most of the time, it didn’t bother her, but she sometimes wished at least one person cared about her and would mourn her passing if she died.

He held his hand out again. “Give me the knife.”

She turned it so he could grab the handle and not get cut. She saw that he was surprised, but she didn’t care.

“I’ll put you somewhere for the night while I deal with other things. I’ll leave Sharp and Perkins with you, and Mike will be with me.”

She was docile when he grabbed onto her upper arm and started leading her out the back door and into a large black car.

Sara scooted over as much and as tightly as she could at the end of the seat. The boss got in next and sat across from her, and the man named Sharp sat next to him. She guessed the other two were up front, but she didn’t want to turn around to look because she sat facing the back window.

She didn’t take her attention off the boss. She knew he was the more dangerous of the two, but she didn’t like how he studied her intently the whole time.

She breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled up somewhere, but then she saw that it was the back of a hotel, and she started to shake. She didn’t want to be in a bedroom with any of them.

“Why can’t you just kill me now?”


“Because I don’t want to be in a bedroom with any of you.”