“Is she coming?” Saxon had been quick to catch her when her knees buckled.

“I don’t think so,” Lynx had frowned, also reaching out a hand to steady her. “Careful, my Lady. Are you all right?”

“I…I think my hand just had an orgasm—as strange as that sounds!” Mirabella had studied her hand and fingers, flexing them experimentally. “That felt really, really good,” she murmured in an unsteady voice. “Almost scary good.”

“Now you know why females don’t mind letting him fuck their ass while I take the front most of the time,” Saxon had growled. “Most males, when they try to take a female’s back passage, it’s painful. But with Lynx, everything and anything that touches those fucking spines of his feels amazing—like pleasure fireworks in your tender little rosebud.”

“I don’t know if I’d put it exactly like that, but it does help a female respond to me,” Lynx had said dryly. “My Lady, do you wish me to put on the shaft-band myself?” he had added. “If you’re afraid of being stung again, I mean.”

But to Saxon’s surprise, Mirabella had lifted her chin again.

“I can do it—I’m not afraid.”

And she had taken the second shaft-band and fastened it around the base of the Felinus Shifter’s cock, not even flinching when Lynx’s spines pricked her fingertips several times in the process.

After that, they had both been properly arrayed as bodyslaves and ready to go to the Leadership Meeting, where they were now.

And speaking of bodyslaves, there was that fucking Captain Furx—the enormous male who had accosted them in the name of Mistress Bloodmuch when they were trying to get to their ship.

Saxon watched through narrowed eyes as Furx moved among the guests, along with several of the other males he’d had with him that afternoon. All of them had muscles that were swollen to grotesque proportions. Was that normal for their species or were they all on some kind of weird medication to make them like that?

Saxon and Lynx were quite muscular—all Kindred and Monstrum were—but this was taking things to an extreme that looked neither attractive nor healthy. The web of purple veins bulging just under Captain Furx’s skin was disfiguring—at least in Saxon’s opinion.

Furx and his men seemed to be acting like waiters tonight. They were moving through the crowd of Mistresses with trays of drinks in their hands. But then Saxon saw Furx stop beside one Mistress and whisper in her ear in a confidential manner.

She was especially tall and exceedingly skinny with a thin, cruel mouth painted bright red and large, brilliant black eyes which sparkled like gemstones. Saxon couldn’t place her age but she was older than Mirabella—of that he was sure. Also, she was dressed all in deep purple—she even had on a kind of crown made of long purple plumes that made her look even taller.

Looks like she’s trying to be Queen of the whole fucking place, Saxon thought. She must be Mistress Bloodmuch—no one else would fit that name.

Just then, he heard the servant at the archway that led into the meeting hall call out,

“Mistress Mirabella! The Ruling and only Surviving Member of the Sacred Seven!”

And then Mirabella was stepping up onto the dais to one side of the entrance and it was show time.

Lynx was standing on her right and Saxon was on her left. At a glance from his Bond-Brother, Saxon leaned down to take her left nipple in his mouth.

Though he had sworn not to think of her anymore and to keep his heart pure for the memory of his lost mate, he couldn’t help enjoying the little gasp of pleasure she gave when he sucked the tight little peak between his lips.

Mirabella had such dark, ripe nipples—they reminded him of berries. And the dress was so thin that he couldn’t even feel it—it was like he was sucking her bare nipple. Except he missed the salty-sweet flavor of her skin, Saxon thought. The fabric she wore could give the impression of nudity but it still kept him out more than he liked.

By mutual agreement, it was Lynx who knelt to kiss her panties first. The Felinus Shifter nuzzled between her spread legs, giving her a long, hot, openmouthed kiss—making it clear he enjoyed what he was doing. Mirabella moaned softly and wove her fingers through Lynx’s long, golden hair.

Saxon felt the familiar ache in his balls as he watched his Bond-Brother pleasure the female they had shared the night before. Well—partially shared, anyway. Outsiders never understood how they could watch each other with the female they both wanted and not be jealous but of course they didn’t understand the Brother-Bond. Once bonded in the way he and Lynx were, there could be no jealousy—only mutual pleasure and satisfaction when they pleasured the female they both claimed.

He felt no jealousy now as Lynx took his time, lapping and sucking at the sweet spot between Mirabella’s legs and she moaned for him again. On the contrary, the sight only increased his own pleasure. His primary and secondary shafts—both sticking out of the tight black bodyslave trousers—were aching and throbbing and he could easily see that Lynx was in the same state.