Gods, if only we could take her someplace private, he found himself thinking. Someplace we could take our time sharing her.
He could just imagine taking turns with Lynx licking her pussy with no panties between them for a barrier. And then watching as she took his Bond-Brother’s cock deep in her pussy and came from his pleasure spines pricking the insides of her sweet inner cunt channel while Saxon licked and sucked her ripe nipples…
“Now you, Brother,” Lynx whispered in his ear and he realized that his Bond-Brother was finished kissing Mirabella’s panties and it was his turn.
Keep hold of yourself, he warned himself as he knelt before her. Don’t do anything crazy or stupid or…
But then he was kneeling before her and her soft, outer pussy lips were open to show the dark, swollen bud of her clit. She was slick with honey, but he couldn’t get at it, Saxon saw with irritation. He wanted to taste her juices straight from the source…just once.
Without thinking about what he was doing, he reached up and grasped the top of the by now mostly invisible panties. Peeling them down, he pressed his face between Mirabella’s legs and lapped deeply, drawing a low moan from her as he collected her honey on his tongue.
“Ohhh!” Mirabella moaned, and Saxon felt her weaving her soft fingers through his hair and holding on tight as he licked her again. Part of him wanted to do at least a half-Shift at this point—the Beast that lived inside him wanted to taste the curvy little female too and his tongue was much longer in his Fur Form. If she would only part her thighs a little bit, he could get it all the way inside her to lap her inner channel…
“That’s enough, Brother—don’t Shift!” he heard Lynx’s voice in his ear. “People are already staring!”
“Don’t fucking care!” Saxon was half drunk on the sweet-salty flavor of her honey. He just wanted to go on tasting the curvy little female until she came all over his face!
“You have to stop—there are others waiting to be announced!” Lynx tugged at his shoulder and Saxon reluctantly pulled away. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so aroused. He just wanted to lick her until she came and then fill her with his shafts—both of them! Or else fill her pussy with his Primary shaft while his secondary shaft teased and stimulated her Goddess pearl and Lynx took her from behind…
Finally, though, the voice of his Bond-Brother and the feeling of urgency he was sending through their bond got through to Saxon. Reluctantly, he pulled his face away from Mirabella’s soft, bare pussy.
Later…I’ll lick her more later, he thought, rising at last to his feet to tower over her again. He didn’t consider when “later” might be since he and Lynx were supposed to be leaving after the Leadership Meeting—he only knew that he had barely tasted Mirabella’s honey and he needed more of it soon…
Miri pulled up her panties with shaking fingers. Not that it did much good—her aching clit was fully on display through the invisible fabric, as were her nipples. Her only consolation was that most of the other Mistresses in the enormous marble hall were in similar states of display. Clearly the see-through-when-wet dresses and panties were all the rage right now.
“Well, my dear—that was quite a display!” Mistress Hottalot said, coming to take her arm as she moved off the dais with Lynx and Saxon right behind her. “Though I don’t know if it was exactly proper to let your bodyslave lick you without the panties in the way.”
“Oh, uh…he’s just…very enthusiastic.” Miri gave a shaky laugh. Her knees felt weak—just as they had after she’d been stung by Lynx’s pleasure spines when she was putting the shaft-bands on the two of them. What was it about the two big Monstrum that disarmed her so completely?
“Yes, well—now that you’re here, come and meet some people. I’ve been letting it get out that you’re not interested in being Ruling Member of the Sacred Seven and there are several Mistresses who would like to put themselves forward for your consideration.”
“All right.”
Miri nodded and allowed herself to be led into the crowd, trailed by Lynx and Saxon. Mistress Hottalot introduced her to a number of other Mistresses, all of whom wanted the job of Ruling Member of the Sacred Seven and the power and prestige that came with it.
Previously in her time spent in Opulex, most of these women would barely even acknowledge her because of her “dowdy” way of dressing and her refusal to buy a proper bodyslave. But now that she had on the latest fashion and was attended by not one but two muscular Monstrum warriors, they were falling all over each other to make her acquaintance and tell her how fabulous she looked.