Delilah lifted up on her toes and pressed a soft kiss against my lips.
My heart stopped once our lips connected. It was such a casual but intimate touch, and I found myself never wanting it to end. The care that she showed for me was unlike anything I ever experienced before.
In my past, women used me for my fame, and I used them for their company—well, the sex. I went through them like shots, to the point of not being able to remember their names. Shame burned me like fire, but it made me appreciate what I shared with Delilah even more.
Cooking with her and making music with her became moments I looked forward to, and I didn’t want that to stop. I didn’t want her to go. But Ryder was insistent on us not making her feel forced to stay, and I agreed with him because I wanted her to be happy. I wasn’t the selfish person that I used to be a year ago.
I fought to be sober, to let go of the person I used to be. Every single day was a struggle not to touch the bottle, but Delilah made it easier. She filled me with hope and motivation, and drinking was the last thing on my mind. I wanted to be better for her and the band.
A year ago, I wouldn’t have cared about anyone but myself. My own desires. My own pleasure.
I was proud of how far I had come.
“I’m so happy for you, Carson,” Delilah whispered once our foreheads touched.
“Thank you. Really,” I said, needing her to know that meant the world to me for her to say that.
We shared a smile before breaking apart and finishing up dinner right as the rest of the band poured into the house and took their seats at the table, loading our plates with blackened chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and freshly baked rolls. Before we dug in, Delilah rose to her feet.
“I’d just like to say something before we start eating,” she said.
The guys and I nodded, motioning for her to continue.
“I just want to thank all of you for welcoming me back home. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy here… and that’s a big deal for me,” Delilah said, her voice cracking and then wavering. She swallowed hard and blinked her eyes a few times as they glistened. After gathering herself, she took in a breath and moved on. “You guys have become important people in my life. You’re like family… but even more than that.”
“We could say the same about you,” Jesse said, the rest of us nodding in agreement.
“I don’t think I’ve had such a good time making music. Well, besides working on that song for the talent show when we were kids,” Ryder told her, coaxing a shy smile onto her face.
I was surprised that they hadn’t ever dated. I suspected that something did happen between them, but they didn’t speak about it. Ryder was with Kerrie now, but I couldn’t help but notice that there was still a little something going on between him and Delilah. Even if he tried to hide it.
“We’re glad you took a chance on us. You could probably work with anyone, but you chose us,” Amos told her, his tone as sincere as could be.
Delilah smiled in a gentle manner.
“I’ll admit that I was nervous to come back here. I wasn’t sure if it was the best thing for me or my career, but I’m glad I took that risk. It’s paid off a thousand fold,” she assured us.
My eyes shifted over to Ryder, who frowned slightly and glanced down at the table. I didn’t question him, though. The history between him and Delilah ran deep, but I wasn’t going to push them to reveal anything, especially if it was heavy. I didn’t go around talking about my past all the time either. Some things were only meant for the right people or the right moment.
“Well, whatever happens with this song, I’m proud of what we’ve done,” Wyatt said as he glanced at all of us, the corner of his mouth turning up.
“We should be. We worked hard,” Jesse agreed.
“When it’s done, we should have a party,” Amos said with a cheeky expression, coaxing laughter from the rest of us.
“Speaking of celebrating, I also want to congratulate Carson on his year of sobriety,” Delilah said as she turned to smile at me.
“It’s been a year? Congrats, man,” Wyatt told me as he patted me on the back.
“Good job, buddy,” Jesse said as he leaned across the table to fist bump me.
“Proud of you,” Ryder told me with a sincere tone. “I knew you could do it.”
“No doubt about it,” Amos added as he grinned at me.
“Thank you,” I said as I nodded to all of them, my chest tightening with gratitude. I was proud of myself too. There were times when I wasn’t sure that I would make it to a year, but I did it. I raised my glass of water. “To the next year.”