“To the next year,” the others repeated as they lifted their glasses.

Once Delilah sat down to my right, I glanced over at her, catching her eyes. I didn’t say anything because I didn’t have to. All of my gratitude and affection was in my gaze and subtle smile. She meant so damn much to me. More than any other woman.

I didn’t want to lose her. How would I begin to cope if I did?

Chapter 18


The moment Brianna’s Uber rolled up to the ranch house, I grimaced as I peered out of the window. I didn’t make that expression because I wasn’t happy to see my sister. It was because I had bad news to give her.

“Thank you!” Brianna chirped to her Uber driver once she hauled her purple suitcase out of the backseat. She turned toward the house as I stepped off the porch. “Where’s Delilah? Is she inside?”

I gave her a sheepish look as I shook my head.

“She went into town with Wyatt and Jesse. I tried to keep her here when you texted, but I couldn’t exactly find a good reason to stop her without spoiling the surprise,” I said.

Brianna tilted her head back and groaned before waving her hand dismissively.

“Whatever, it’s fine. I’ll just surprise her when she gets back. Come here, punk,” she told me before throwing her arms around me to pull me into a hug that rivaled a boa constrictor’s strength.

I smirked and hugged her back.

“Good to have you back home for a minute,” I said once we broke apart. “Your husband has pretty much stolen you away.”

Brianna laughed a little and shrugged.

“Just staying busy,” she replied before glancing around. “Is Kerrie here? I should say hey to her.”

My smirk plummeted off my face. Any mention of Kerrie made the guilt sucker punch me, and Brianna noticed immediately.

“Oh, uh, she doesn’t come around too much. She’s been busy,” I told her.

Maybe that wasn’t completely true. Kerrie asked about coming over a few times, but I made up excuses to keep her away, like I was busy in the studio or tending to the property. It was selfish, but I wanted to spend time with Delilah. I wasn’t proud of lying to Kerrie, but maybe it was time to start being more honest with myself and everyone around me.

Brianna hummed under her breath curiously before stretching her arms over her head.

“Let’s take a walk. I’m all cramped up from sitting in that plane and that car for so long,” she said.

I knew that was code. We needed to talk. I put her suitcase inside before following her behind the house to the field so that we could walk side by side like we had done so many times before when we were younger and needed to get out of the house for a minute.

“What’s going on? You seem super tense for some reason. Tenser than your stickler self usually is,” Brianna asked me.

I gave her a pointed look.

“I’m not a stickler,” I muttered before deciding not to argue with her. “I’ve been thinking about my relationship with Kerrie.”

Brianna nodded.

“The relationship with no romance?” she asked me bluntly.

I glanced down at the ground as we continued to walk through the thick grass. It wasn’t hard for Brianna to pick up on things over the phone or through the pictures I sent her.

“I try to create a spark, but nothing works,” I said. “And now with Delilah…”

I snapped my jaw shut. I didn’t mean to bring that up just yet. I wanted to explain some things before getting into my conflicted feelings for Delilah, especially since she was my sister’s best friend.

Brianna stopped walking and turned to face me.

“The woman you actually like is making you realize just how unfulfilling your relationship is,” she said.

My eyes became wider as I stared at her, not knowing what to say. It felt like I had been caught red-handed.

“I know you guys like each other. It was obvious,” Brianna laughed as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Honestly, it was funny seeing you guys try to hide it from me. You’ve been drooling over each other for years, and I suspect that something romantic happened before she bolted to New York.”

Damn, she was good. But she was my sister. If anyone could read between the lines when it came to me and Delilah, it was her.

“I still have feelings for her, but I have a girlfriend. I can’t just toss Kerrie aside,” I told her.

Brianna shrugged her shoulders.

“If you’re not happy with Kerrie, you need to end things. Don’t string her along when she can be with someone who truly loves her, and you can be with the person you’re meant to be with,” she replied.

She and Jesse made the same points. I supposed there was a lot of truth to them, and I was just too nervous and guilty to carry out the necessary sentence.