Speaking of which… “There’s something we should talk about.”
She quirks a brow. “Okay.”
“As you know, I’m part of Raging Chaos, and while New York is a hell of a lot tamer than LA, with us recording again and announcing our next album and single soon, plus doing some promo shit that goes along with releasing, people, especially fans and the paparazzi, will come out of the woodwork. With me being gone, they want answers, to figure out where I’ve been and what I’ve been up to. I’d like to post about you and Rory to beat them at their own game, confirming I have a daughter before they can fly in like vultures and attack.
“That also means, though, that you’re going to need a guard with you and Rory when you leave.” Her eyes go wide, so I explain before she jumps to the wrong conclusions. “Nobody’s going to hurt either of you but having someone with you means if they get too close, take shit too far, you’ll have someone to protect you. They’re nosy fuckers and will want to get your pictures and ask questions. Rory’s and your safety are my top priority. If we were living in LA, it’d be insane, but luckily, New Yorkers are chill for the most part. I just don’t want you to be blindsided by it all.”
I edge closer and cup the side of her neck. “I know it feels like a lot, but shit will calm down, I promise. Aside from the months when we’re releasing and touring, our lives are pretty normal.”
She snorts out a laugh. “Yeah, okay. That’s cute that you’re trying to keep me calm, but I’ve seen the videos and posts and know nothing about your life is normal… but it’s okay, I get it. I’m not going to run… unless you push me away again, that is.”
“That’s never happening,” I vow. I take a deep breath, then ask her something I’ve been wanting to ask but have been afraid to. “How would you feel about meeting Viola, my therapist? She mentioned you attending a session with me, not only because of us possibly dating but also because we’re co-parenting Rory. I just…” I swallow thickly, trying to word shit correctly. “I want to make sure you know how serious I am about staying clean, that you feel like you can talk to me about anything.”
I hold my breath in fear that it’s too much too soon, and I’m going to scare her off. My fear deepens when tears prick her eyes until she speaks. “I don’t want to compare you to Vincent because it’s not fair to you, and I’m working on not doing that, but so many times I asked him to speak to someone, and he would tell me he was, but when I would ask if I could join him, he’d tell me he wasn’t ready. I learned that he wasn’t really seeing anyone, that he would lie and work late instead, so you inviting me to meet with your therapist means the world to me, and I would love to meet Viola and speak with her. I want to support you in any way I can. And not just as the woman who you’re possibly dating…” She smiles a watery smile. “But as the mother of your daughter, who you’re co-parenting with, and… as your friend.”
After we hang out and talk for a bit, I make my exit, not wanting to overstay my welcome. But not before I ask if she’ll come by the studio tomorrow. She’s never seen me work, and I know Rory is too young to really understand it, but I’d love for her to see me in my element, to have them there as part of my world. She says she’d love to come by, so we plan to go see the condo afterward.
When I walk in the door, I find Kaylee and Braxton sitting on the couch. He’s holding her while she cries in his arms.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. I was with them at the barbeque earlier and they seemed fine.
“Oh, nothing,” Kaylee says, waving me off.
“It’s not nothing,” Braxton adds. “We’ve been trying to get pregnant, and we thought she was. The test showed positive.”
“But I’m not,” she says through her tears. “Apparently, you can have a missed miscarriage. It happens to a lot of women, and they don’t even know it.”
“I’m sorry,” I say, hating that two of the best people I know are struggling to get pregnant, when they’ll make amazing parents. Sometimes, life is just plain fucked up.
“Thanks.” Kaylee releases a deep sigh. “So, Sadie seems really sweet…”
“Yeah, she is. Thanks for what you did… going to see her.”
Kaylee’s cheeks stain pink. “I didn’t want to overstep, but I was afraid she didn’t know how important music is to you.”