“It’s not as important as her and Rory, but I’m glad I get to have both.” My gaze flits from Kaylee to Braxton. “But more than that, I’m glad I get to stay here with you guys.”
Kaylee grins. “Ditto.”
“They’re coming by the studio tomorrow to watch us practice.”
“Good.” Kaylee smiles softly. “You deserve this second chance, Gage. You’ve worked hard to get to this point.”
Wanting to give them their space, I head to my room, where I spend the rest of the night looking for homes in the ’burbs. I might deserve a second chance at finding love and happiness, but I don’t deserve Sadie possibly giving us a chance, not after the shit I pulled back when I was high and hell-bent on destroying everything good in my life. On the other hand, she deserves the entire world, and I’m going to make sure I give it to her.
Gage: Are you still coming by?
I glance at the time and sigh in exhaustion. Rory was up half the night in tears over a tooth coming in, and since I didn’t bring any of her medicine with me, I had nothing to help with the pain. I could’ve called Gage and asked him to pick something up, but I kept telling myself she would calm down soon. She finally passed out from exhaustion a couple of hours ago, and I’m not too keen on waking her up.
Me: Rory had trouble sleeping last night and is still sleeping. I don’t think it’s going to happen. Rain check?
I feel horrible that I had to cancel on him the first time he invited us to the studio, but everyone with kids knows parenting rule number one: never wake a sleeping baby.
Gage: Is she okay? Do you need anything? I can come over.
My heart warms at how devoted he is to being a good dad. I would be lying if I said a part of me wasn’t scared to let him in, especially after our past, but so far, he hasn’t once made me regret it, and while the self-preservation part of me wants to run and hide, the adult in me, who’s been through hell and back, knows that even though life can be scary as hell, it can also be taken from you at any minute. Which means I’m pretty much stuck somewhere between wanting to live life to the fullest with no regrets and not making the same mistakes that have already cost me everything once before. Yeah, it’s as exhausting and complicated and confusing as it sounds.
Me: Thank you, but we’re okay. I’m going to attempt to get a nap in while she’s sleeping, and then I’m supposed to meet Kendall later regarding the condo. Have a good practice.
I’ve just set my phone on the table and have swung my legs onto the couch when a cry comes from the bedroom, followed by “Mama!”
“Good morning,” I say, walking into her temporary room and finding her standing in her crib, bouncing up and down.
“Ow, ow!” she squeals. Since she’s not crying, I assume she’s trying to say out. It amazes me every day how fast she’s growing and learning. After losing Collin, it makes me appreciate Rory and every milestone that much more. Sometimes, I see little similarities in how they smile and laugh, and it makes me both happy and sad to see pieces of Collin living through her.
“Well, since you’re awake, want to go see Daddy?” I ask, lifting her out of her crib and setting her on the bed to change her diaper since there’s no changing table here.
“Dada!” She giggles, clearly happier than she was last night.
“Okay, we’ll go see Daddy.”
On the way to the studio, Kendall texts me that she has an appointment, but can meet tomorrow, if that’s okay. As much as I hate being stuck in a hotel, she’s doing me a huge favor, and it’ll be quicker than me finding a place, so I agree without complaint. Even once I see the condo, I’m still going to have to deal with hiring a moving company to have all our stuff moved here. Since I was renting month to month, I’ll at least be able to give notice and cancel the lease next month.
When we arrive, Easton stands by the front desk and greets us, offering to walk us back to the studio where the guys are practicing. We slip into what Easton refers to as the control room, and he ensures me that if Rory makes any noise, the guys won’t be affected or disturbed.
The second we walk inside, the music hits our ears. From listening to their earlier albums, I know that while they’re a rock band, they’re on the calmer side—less screaming, more passion—giving off a Fallout Boy meets Matchbox Twenty vibe. My dad was a huge music buff, and I grew up listening to all types of old-school music.