Page 93 of The King's Weapon

"Find something for Kallie and yourself to wear."


"Yes, you. And nothing too . . . formal." A glint of mischief danced in Graeson’s eyes.

"Yes, sir." Myra hurried around the counters toward the entrance.

"Oh, and Myra?"

Myra skidded to a stop at the doorway and faced Graeson. "Yes, sir?"

"Please, drop the sir."

"But, sir—"

Graeson tilted his head to the side, taking his eyes off of Kallie for the first time to give Myra a look that readI'm serious.

"All right. . . Graeson." Then Myra locked arms with Kallie and dragged her away from the group, making their way to Kallie's chambers.

* * *

Upon arriving at her chambers,Kallie found a new vase full of lavender sitting on her bedside table. On further inspection, she found no note of who had left the vase. But she eagerly sniffed it, hoping it would have the same effect as the lavender oil Dani had let her borrow, which was now empty.

Meanwhile, Myra paced inside Kallie's closet mumbling about how ludicrous and cryptic Graeson's request was. And after the fifth time hearing Myra ask, "But what does nottooformal evenmean?"Kallie had headed to the bathroom to wash up.

As she used a towel to wring out some of the water from her hair, a knock sounded at the door. Kallie peered out of the bathroom. Finding Myra still pacing, Kallie said, "I'll get it." Then mumbled to herself, "BecauseI'mthe one dressed for company."

Myra batted her hand, dismissing her.

Kallie tightened the rope around her waist, her hair falling down her back in a knotted mess. As she twisted the knob, the door pushed open from the other side before Kallie had even cracked it open more than a few inches.

Dani stormed into the room, clothes hanging over her arm. Taking in the sight of Kallie, Dani's eyes widened. "Oh, good! You washed up, but I really hope you plan on doing something with that mop on your head."

Kallie's hand flew to her hair, brushing the ends with her fingers. "You really have a knack for barging into rooms, don't you?"

Dani shrugged one shoulder.

"Why are you here?" And realizing how her words had come out, Kallie quickly added, "Not that I don't enjoy your company but. . ."

Dani gave a slight flick of her hand. "I figured Graeson's clothing suggestion would have sent Myra spiraling." Dani observed Myra who stood in the closet with both hands on her head. "And my assumption was, of course, right, so I thought I'd help. Plus, I grew up with all brothers and those three buffoons, so I never really had the chance to get ready with other women."

Kallie closed the door behind Dani and followed her. "Okay. But you have your work cut out for you. Myra's going insane."

Dani chuckled and set the clothes down on Kallie's bed as Kallie headed to the vanity and began running a brush through her hair. She perched herself on the desk, facing Dani and Myra.

"Let's get started then." Dani rubbed her hands together. "Myra, let's start with you."

At the sound of her name, Myra swung around, eyes wide as if she hadn't realized Dani had entered the room.

"I'm sorry, what?" Myra asked, holding her hands in front of her stomach, twiddling her fingers.

Dani shook her head. "Sit."

Myra hesitated, the discomfort from being told to sit written plainly across her face.

Kallie couldn't handle watching her struggle internally, so she quickly asked for Myra's assistance. Myra sighed in relief, scurrying over to Kallie and leaving Dani to deal with her closet. Myra took the brush from Kallie’s hand and began detangling her hair.

Dani surveyed the closet, then looked back at the two women. "If I recall, you're about the same size. Correct?”