Page 23 of Noctis

Chapter 14


Despite everything that was going on around me, despite what I’d been going through since Kalon had kidnapped me, my mind was still in denial because the alternative was still…inconceivable.

I also knew that vampires could love because I still felt love for my parents and Zaire. I still felt something whenever I thought about them. I still felt concerned for them. I still felt love for them. I still feltattachedto them, and I didn’t understand it. Vampires were supposed to be dead and without feeling. All the original tales of vampires painted them as soulless creatures, unable to feel emotion. They were the undead, immortals that no longer possessed human understanding.

However, that wasn’t true.

None of it hadeverbeen true.

Plus, there was also the way that Kalon’s hand felt against my neck. I felt the heat from his hand all the way to my toes. His nearness felt…igniting. My need for him felt unlike anything that I’d ever felt for any man before him, and even though I knew it was because of that damn prophecy, the need was still there. I could still feel the pounding in my chest when Brander had mentioned that Kalon could still be killed and how my fangs had been quick to come out.

I closed my eyes when I thought about what killing myself would do to Kalon. If I felt that volatile at the simple mention of someone killing him, he was right to want to follow me in death if I really ever did kill myself. I thought about how he was just as much of a victim of the prophecy as I was.

When I opened my eyes, he was looking down at me, his grey eyes trying to see inside my mind. “Talk to me, baby,” he said, and I could feel my body clench from the way that I was craving him. “Tell me what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours.”

“I want to talk to my parents,” I told him. “I want to talk to Zaire.”


“If you want me to believe that vampires can love, then I need to talk to the only three people in the world that I do love,” I said, and I could see his eyes flare in irritation at knowing that I didn’t love him. Still, how could he expect me to love him when I didn’t even know him?

His hand dropped from my neck before stepping back. “Since there’s only a couple of hours before the sun comes up, I think I’ll go eat,” he stated simply. “When I get back, I’ll go lay down, and you can call your family.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, panicked at him leaving. “You already fed, didn’t you? Earlier, with me?”

“I didn’t feed, Mora,” he replied evenly. “It was bloodlust. It wasn’t nearly enough to sustain me.”

He was making up excuses to leave.

“So…you’re just going to go out and kill someone? Snatch them off the street because you’re not up to dealing with me?”

“Call me a coward again and see what happens,” he fired back, and I could feel his anger like it was my own. “And no, we don’t just snatch people off the street. Though their blood isn’t as tasteful as most, we strategically choose humans that live criminally.”

That surprised me. “What?”

“Cops don’t investigate the murders of drug addicts, gang members, or criminals as diligently as they do upstanding citizens,” Kalon explained. “Though drug addicts taste the worst, no one looks twice at a couple of puncture wounds. As for gang members or criminals, we slash their necks before drinking from them, so that the wound that the coroner concentrates on is the slashed throat, which is technically the cause of death. We camouflage our kills just like we camouflage our lifestyles, Mora.”

While his explanation made sense, it still didn’t make me feel any better about killing someone for the purpose of nourishment. I didn’t feel good about killinganyone, even if they were a criminal.

“That still doesn’t explain why you’re leaving when you don’t have to,” I replied, doing everything in my power not to cross my arms over my chest like a fishwife.

Kalon’s eyes narrowed. “How do you know that I don’t?” he asked. “You know nothing about my feasting habits.”

“If you’re hungry, then you can feed off me,” I told him, not wanting to tell him the truth. I felt his appetites like I felt everything else about him, only I was pretty sure that he didn’t want to hear that right now. “If I can feed off you, then you can feed off me.”

“You can feel me,” he said, and he said it like a statement of fact, no emotion whatsoever.

“Does it matter?”

Kalon let out a heavy breath. “All the same, I’d rather not,” he said, and I felt his rejection like a slug to the chest. It felt powerful and painful, and that got me thinking about other things.

Jealousy bloomed hot and heavy in my chest, and I knew that I needed to get away from him, no matter how uncomfortable that might feel. Not even realizing what I was about, I found myself outside, not even remembering getting there. However, before I could process how I’d come to be here, Kalon was standing in front of me, his hands gripping my shoulders painfully.

“Let me go,” I spat, my blood rushing violently through my ears, the sound loud and distracting.

“I don’t know what your blood is made of, Mora,” he said. “So, I’d rather not drink from you before I know more. Earlier was just…instinct.”