Page 24 of Noctis

I jerked out of his grasp, but he matched me with each move that I made. “I didn’t ask,” I said, my incisors peeking out.

“Baby, I need you to listen to me,” he instructed carefully. “I need you to calm the fuck down and listen to me.”

“I will as soon as you get your hands off me,” I told him, and I watched him lift his chin, not liking that particular demand.

Still, he let go.

“Feel better?” he bit out.

I could feel my teeth retracting. “Yes, I do,”

We stared at each other in silence, neither of us willing to give an inch. While I might be some great prophetic with incredible powers, I was still new to this. Kalon was actually the one with the advantage because he knew the rules. He knew this way of life, and I knew nothing.

Finally, he said, “I’m going to go inside and get some rest. You’ll have all the privacy you need to call your family.”

“Why don’t you just go home?” I asked, still feeling jealous over all the things that I didn’t know. While I knew that we were bonded, I had no idea if that meant we weren’t allowed to have relationships with other people. An eternity was a long time to be monogamous. A million people were going to come and go in our lifetimes, so who was to say that there wasn’t someone else out there for us?

“Iamhome,” he snapped, his temper coming out.“You’remy home now.”

Not being able to help myself, I asked, “And how many people are allowed to live in your home?”

Kalon had his hand wrapped around my neck, his gorgeous face looming over me. “Any other man touches you, human or vampire, I will fucking kill him,” he snarled down at me. “If you let any other man come even within a hair’s breadth of you, you’ll get that fucking decapitation you were so eager for earlier.” His hand tightened around my neck, and it was insane how much I wanted him physically when all of this craziness was happening around me. “You’re mine, Mora. You’ve been mine since the day you were fucking born. Hell, you were mine centuries way before that. From the moment that I changed you until you take your last breath, no one else will ever touch you.”

“And what about you?” I asked. “Does the same go for you?”

Kalon let go of my neck before taking a couple of steps back. “Even if I wanted to fuck another woman, something tells me that I wouldn’t be able to,” he answered, and I could actually feel whatever we’d done earlier dissolve into nothing. “However, I don’t.”

He was lying, and I told him so. “You’re lying.”

“And you’re still in denial,” he accused. “You’re still hoping that none of this is real. Well, it’s real, Mora. All of it, it’s real. What’s also real is the fact that I haven’t fucked another woman in over seven years. Immediately after you turned eighteen.” My breath hitched at that. “I will only ever want you, Mora. Even without that goddamn prophecy, there’d still be no one else but you.”


“I need to go inside,” he said, cutting me off. “The sun’s going to be up, and you need to call your family.” He turned to leave, but then stopped, turning back to face me again. “Another thing.”


“Don’t ever question my love or fidelity ever again,” he said, and his voice left no room for argument. “Both are yours, and they’ll both be yours forever.” Kalon walked back into the cabin before I could say anything, but what was there to say?

As soon as the sun came up, I called my parents, silently crying inside the entire time. After that, I called Zaire and cried some more.

Chapter 15


Iwas laying down, staring up at the ceiling, mad as fuck. Though I was doing my best to give Mora some space for mistakes and assumptions because this was all new to her, I still found myself angry as hell that she’d even suggest that I’d want another woman over her. Never mind how I felt when she’d hinted at her being with another man.

I’d seen red.

I had no idea how she could feel what we felt for each other and still believe that other people were a possibility for us. She had to be out of her mind to think that this wasn’t it for the both of us. That goddamn prophecy wasn’t fucking around when it’d been created, thought of, or whatever.

Even before Mora opened the door to the bedroom, I felt her. I’d felt her coming to me, and that was just more proof of how fucked she and I were. It didn’t matter how much time passed or what more we learned along the way; we were tied to each other for all of fucking eternity.

I sat up from the bed, not rushing to cover myself. After our fight, I’d taken a shower, thrown on some pajama pants, then had gone to lay down. Even though she’d already seen a lot more than just the sight of my bare chest earlier, we weren’t exactly a normal couple.

“What happens when my vacation is over?” she asked. “Do I go back to my apartment, and then you go back-”

“You’ll live with me,” I said, interrupting her. “My penthouse is already designed to combat the sun. Plus, I also have a house outside of the city that’s also designed for my protection.”