Page 13 of Noctis

“What? What do you mean?”

“You’re ignoring the simple fact that I want you,” he said, and my heart started thrashing about inside my chest again. “While I’d been instructed to make you mine, it was all too easy towantto make you mine after seeing the woman that you’ve become.” His dark grey eyes flared. “No matter the decree that’d been laid out by the tribunal, I want you, Mora. I want you more than I want to walk in the sun.”

I squeezed my eyes shut because his words shouldn’t sound romantic. His words shouldn’t sound sexy, possessive, or inviting. Then my mind quickly raced over all the stories that I’d heard about vampires, and if I remembered correctly, seductiveness was one of their stronger qualities. Vampires were supposedly seductive, inviting, and hypnotizing; it was how they lured in their prey.

Looking at Kalon, it was easy to see him fitting that mold. He was gorgeous, commanding, and intriguing. Everything about him sucked you in, and I’d been no different from every other woman last night. I’d left with him, ready to spread my legs for him, and look at where that got me.

“What…what happens if the prophecy doesn’t come true?” I asked. “What if you change me, and I turn out to be just like the rest of you? What happens if I can’t see the future or walk in the sun?”

Kalon stood up, then walked over towards the bed. I could feel myself begin to tremble, and if I fainted, I wouldn’t be surprised. When he sat down on the bed next to me, my body really started shivering then, and the blood rushing through my ears was loud and painful.

I felt lightheaded when Kalon’s hand reached up, then wrapped around the side of my neck, and while it wasn’t freezing cold, it still felt cool. Supposedly, vampires were supposed to be cold to the touch. Their blood wasn’t warm like ours, so their body temperatures were off.

“Even if you don’t possess the powers that we believe you do, you’ll still be mine, Mora,” Kalon said, and my stomach flipped with how sensual his words sounded. Not only was this not supposed to be happening, but it was also very, very, very wrong. “You were promised to me, and I don’t care if the prophecy turns out to be a fool’s tale. I’m keeping you with me, no matter what.”

With my heart caught in my throat, I asked, “Aren’t you afraid that I’ll leave once you change me? If I’m going to be as powerful as you say I am, what’s stopping me from leaving you?”

Like a snake charmer playing the flute so hauntingly beautiful, Kalon leaned forward, and when his lips touched mine, I felt drugged. I felt like I’d been transported into an opium den, visions and scents clouding all rational thought. Whatever was in Kalon’s kiss, it was enough to weaken me in a way that I hadn’t known possible.

When Kalon’s other hand slid up the opposite side of my neck, he deepened the kiss, and my hands reached up to latch onto his wrists. I needed something to anchor myself to. I needed something to ground me while my head floated in a sea of dark dreams and violent visions. They were vaguely familiar, but at the same time, untouchable. They felt like a whisper almost heard, but not quite.

My eyes snapped open when I felt Kalon’s hips press against mine, his hardness confusing me further. The only thing that I knew about vampires was the same nonsense that everyone else did, so I had no idea where his sexual appetites came from, or if they were even real. What was real and what wasn’t when it came to these creatures? I wasn’t looking up at a man; I was looking up at a monster.

I also had no idea how we’d gone from kissing to Kalon sprawled out over me, but he was. He was propped up on his elbows, looking down at me, his eyes practically black. Weren’t they supposed to be glowing? Weren’t they supposed to be red or gold? Weren’t they supposed to embody evil? Weren’t they supposed to be frightening?

“What…what did you do to me?” I whispered, still feeling lethargic.

Kalon’s brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“Your kiss…it’s…what’s in it? What did you do to me?” Heat was beginning to build between my hips, and shouldn’t I be cold? Kalon’s body was covering mine, so shouldn’t I feel cold?

“Baby, I didn’t do anything to you,” he answered. “We were just kissing.”

Panic started to set in again. “Kalon, no-”

“Tell me what’s happening, Mora,” he demanded. “What do you feel?”

I said the first word that popped into my head. “Lost.”

Before I could say anything more, one of Kalon’s hands had my jaw captured between his fingers, and I screamed when his incisors appeared, knowing that nothing was going to save me from what was about to happen. The God that I believed in obviously didn’t believe in me if he could let this happen to me, and it was happening. Kalon’s teeth pierced my skin, sinking straight through the thick wall of my artery, the pain a searing wave of agony.

I fought so hard, though the effort was futile. I cried out, I screamed, I sobbed, I used every ounce of strength that I had to fight what was happening, but I was no match for Kalon Dreven. I was no match against his strength, and the more that he drank from me, the weaker I could feel myself become. He was draining me, and the last thing that I saw was a vision of Kalon kneeling before me, worshipping me.

That was the last thing that I saw before dying.

Chapter 9


Because there was something more going on between me and Mora than I’d realized, as soon as she ‘died’, I anchored her to the bed with more ropes. I made sure that she couldn’t break free once she came to, and I also knew that I only had a few minutes before she did.

Staring at the beautiful woman tied to the bed, I pulled out my phone, dialing Brander immediately. When he answered, I didn’t bother with pleasantries. “Whatever it is that you know, you’d better tell me now, Brander.”

“Kalon, just….just relax,” he replied carefully over the phone, and I could feel my back straighten with anger.

“What the fuck is going on, Brander?” I snapped. “I want the truth, and I wantallof it.”

“What happened?” he asked, instead of answering me. “Did something go wrong?”