Page 12 of Noctis

“Since you’ll be able to walk among the sunlight, nothing,” I answered.

“I don’t want this,” she repeated desperately. “I don’t want this.”

“Baby, you don’t have a choice,” I replied, watching her heart break right in front of me.

Chapter 8


This was insane.

This couldn’t be real.

This couldn’t be happening.

Still, as I stared at Kalon sitting calmly in the rocker, he wasn’t laughing. His grey eyes weren’t filled with mirth, evidence to some kind of inside joke. He was just sitting there, eyeing me like he couldn’t wait to pounce.

Those teeth.

No matter how much I wanted to convince myself that they’d been a prop, a…some stupid party trick, I knew that they were real. My gut was screaming at me that they were real, even though my mind was still trying to deny the truth.


Then there was the whole wife thing. Not only was Kalon going to turn me into a blood-sucking monster, but he was also going to be my…my mate? I shook my head. I had no idea what I was supposed to do. I had no idea what was even expected of me once it was all said and done.

Looking at Kalon, I said, “I still don’t understand what…so what? You turn me, then I just spend the rest of my life…killing people?” I pressed my fingers to my temples. “Oh, God…I’m going to be…this can’t be happening.”

“We don’t go around just slaughtering people, Mora,” he said. “We eat when we need to and nothing more.”

My eyes shot his way. “Wait,” I rushed out. “When I told you that I didn’t believe in vampires, werewolves, aliens, Big Foot, the Chupacabra, or unicorns, you said that you couldn’t speak for aliens, Big Foot, the Chupacabra, or unicorns, but you didn’t say anything about werewolves.” I could feel my heart starting to pound inside my chest again. “Are you going to tell me that werewolvesalsoexist?”

The corner of his lip lifted like he was laughing at me, and I was going to kill him once I got loose. “Not like you think,” he replied.

“And what the fuck does that mean?” I snapped.

“Watch how you speak to me, Mora,” he said seriously. “I will not tolerate disrespect.”

My head reared back. “Are you kidding me? Mylanguageis the issue here?”

Ignoring my very valid point, Kalon said, “Werewolves exist, though that whole full moon thing is not true. Though they are at their strongest when the moon is full, they don’t turn just because a full moon is out.” I could only stare at him. “Plus, there’s only a handful of werewolves in existence anymore. Unlike us, they are part animal and need to feed more than we do, and their appetites are more voracious than ours are. While one human feeding can sustain us for about three months, werewolves need a decent filling at least once a month. So, in order for them to remain hidden from the world, they’ve been slowly starving themselves over the years, and there are a very few of them left.”

When it hit me how sad that sounded, that’s when I knew that I’d officially lost my goddamn mind. I mean, who in their right mind felt sorry for werewolves?

Getting back to the matter at hand, I asked, “Why can’t you just let me go, Kalon?”

“I’ve already explained that,” he replied, sounding a bit put out. “Sooner or later, another vampire will come up on-”

“Then why not just kill me?” I asked, cutting him off. “Why turn me?”

“Because you hold the key to lift us to the top of the food chain, Mora,” he said. “With you, we’ll be able to do anything.”

“You’re immortal,” I practically yelled. “You’re already at the top of the food chain.”

“Not as long as we can be killed,” he quickly retorted. “And wecanbe killed, Mora.”

“Don’t do this, Kalon,” I begged. I wasn’t above begging, even though I knew that it wasn’t going to do me any good.

“There’s another problem with your begging, Mora,” he stated, taking me aback.