Page 18 of Noctis

“Brander called me,” he answered. “He wanted me to come and check on you.”

While I didn’t have a best friend or close ‘sibling’, if I were to get stuck hanging out with anyone, I’d prefer it to be Leander. His quiet disposition was welcoming. Leander could hang out comfortably without saying a word. He was an observer. He was a listener. So, if Brander was going to send anyone to check on me, it’d be Leander. He knew that anyone else would just irritate the fuck out of me, and I was already irritated enough.

“Did he tell you why?”

Leander shook his head. “No. He just said that you were upset and that he was worried.”

“And you didn’t wonder why he didn’t come to check on me himself?”

Leander smirked again. “I figured that he was the one you must be upset with.”

Figuring that they were all going to know soon enough, I said, “There was more to the prophecy than he’d originally told me.”

Leander nodded solemnly. “Figures.” He gave me a quick grin. “There’s a reason that men in power always have secrets, Kalon. If they didn’t, then they’d all be just like the rest of us.”

Just then, the bedroom door opened, and Mora came walking out, looking like she’d just been fucked, but clean. The cabin’s only bathroom was attached to the bedroom, so she must have cleaned herself up before dressing in a pair of black yoga pants and an over-sized sweater.

She looked beautiful.

“You must be Mora,” Leander said, inclining his head politely.

“And you’re Leander,” she replied softly as she came to stand next to me, her slow pulse drumming in the back of my ears.

Leander’s brows furrowed a bit. “I am,” he confirmed. “I see Kalon’s been telling you about us.”

Mora shook her head. “No, he hasn’t,” she said, correcting him. “I saw you. I mean…I see you. I mean, I know who you are.”

Leander looked my way, and I could only be honest with him. “Brander, Phaeron, and Thorin have a lot of explaining to do.”

“None of them know,” Mora said, causing us to both look at her. “Is it a secret?”

“Baby, what are you talking about-”

“Is it?” she asked, but she wasn’t looking at me. Mora was looking at Leander, and if a vampire could lose color in his face, Leander was losing his.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking between them both.

Mora looked up at me. “His blue eyes,” she stated simply.

My eyes shot back towards Leander. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”

Ignoring me, he asked her, “You know why my eyes are blue?”

Mora nodded. “But doyou?”

Leander shook his head. “No,” he answered. “I’ve always thought that Brander just…hadn’t taken enough blood when he turned me or something like that.”

“Do you want to know?” Mora asked, and I could feel my anger threatening to make an appearance again. Brander had put me in charge of something that I had no understanding of;none. It was easy to see that being responsible for Mora wasn’t going to be easy.

“Yes, I do,” Leander replied, completely entranced by this woman.

“You were blind when Brander turned you,” she said. “He hadn’t known that you were blind because you’d been sleeping when he had come upon you. Your eyes didn’t change color because your eyes hadn’t been working during the change.”

Leander started shaking his head. “That’s impossible,” he argued. “I remember my life before Brander turned me. I could see.”

Mora shook her head. “No. What you remember are the images that your brain had captured but that your eyes hadn’t been able to process. Once you’d been changed, your brain and eyes were finally able to work together to see everything that had always been there. If you think back to before Brander had changed you, you’ll see that your cane hadn’t been a walking stick, but a guiding stick for the blind.”

Watching Leander pale even more, I knew that I needed to call an emergency meeting with everyone. Those three fucks had no idea what Mora was, though they thought that they did. Now that this prophecy was coming to fruition, now that this was no longer a drill, I needed to know as much as I could about what the woman standing next to me was capable of.