Page 19 of Noctis

“How do you know that?” I asked her, looking down at her.

Mora looked up at me, looking confused. “I’m…I’m not sure. His life is just…there. It’s just in front of me.”

“Jesus, fuck,” Leander muttered, and he wasn’t wrong.

“And…can you see mine?” I asked, hoping that she couldn’t. If Mora could see a person’s life flash before her eyes, then she was never going to be safe from anyone.

She nodded slowly, almost as if she could read my thoughts. “It’s just…right there.”

“No one can know about this, Kalon,” Leander said, straightening. “Christ, she was supposed to be a visionary only. She was only supposed to be able to see glimpses of the future, not…notthis.”

Still looking at Mora, I asked, “Can you turn it off?”

“There’s nothing to turn off,” she said. “Once I know, it’s over.”

“Did you see our lives before and after we’d been changed or just before?” I asked carefully.

“Just before,” she answered. “Only while you’d been human.”

I let out a deep sigh of relief as Leander suggested, “Maybe because her gifts are human? Maybe that’s why she can only see our human lives?”

Mora looked between us both. “That would make sense if I wasn’t able to see your futures, too,” she countered, nearly driving me to my knees.

“You can see our futures?” Leander choked out.

Mora’s grey eyes shot my way. “I can see glimpses of Kalon’s future.”

“That’s because you’re tied to me,” I said, feeling a little bit better.

“Maybe, maybe not,” she muttered quietly.

“We need to meet with the tribunal,” Leander announced. “Now, Kalon. This can’t wait.”

“Call Brander, tell him it’s an emergency,” I instructed. “Mora and I will meet you guys after we clean up.” Leander nodded. “Only us, Leander. Phaeron and Thorin are to leave their covens back home. Make sure that Brander knows that Mora and I will leave if the others are present.”

“Of course,” he replied before flashing out of the cabin.

“What’s wrong?” Mora asked. “What’s going on?”

I turned and eyed her. “How are you feeling?”

I could see Mora searching for an adequate word to describe what she was feeling, but that was probably impossible. She was still transforming, and it stood to reason that she’d be feeling out of sorts until the process was completed.

“I feel like…I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin,” she answered. “I feel like I want to rip my head from my body because flashes of unfamiliar visions are invading my mind like a strobe light. I feel…I feel like I’m seeing and feeling too much.”

My hands came up to rest on her shoulders. “Mora-”

“Except when you’re next to me,” she finished, and it was incredible how screwed we were. “I feel okay when you’re near, and I feel centered when you’re touching me. Is that normal?”

“It will be for us,” I told her, hating that I didn’t have all the answers for her. “How’s your thirst?”

“It’s there,” she admitted. “I can…I can feel the light pangs of hunger, but it’s nothing major yet.”

“Then we still have some time,” I said, hoping I was right. “We’re going to go see Brander first.”

Mora nodded. “Yeah, that’s probably for the best.”

Chapter 12