“Maybe I’m just that good in bed.”

She crinkled her nose before we both laughed.

“Did you love my brother?”

I swallowed hard and fought the sting in the back of my eyes as I glanced out of the large windows. It was raining and gloomy outside. After getting my emotions under control, I looked back at Morgan.

“I still do love him. I think I fell in love with him a long time ago. I just never realized it until I saw him again. And a part of me knows I’ll always love him.”

I shrugged, feeling my chin tremble.

Morgan dropped her legs and moved to the edge of her chair. “Then what are you doing here in England?”

Confused, I drew my head back. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you hiding away here in this stunningly beautiful—yet depressing as hell—old house? Why aren’t you back in Montana fighting for him?”

“Blayze made it clear he doesn’t want me, Morgan.”

“God!” She dropped back in the chair and stared at the ceiling. “Why does love make people so freaking clueless?”

“I’m sorry?” I asked as I watched her jump up and move closer to the table I was sitting at.

She put her hands on the desk and leaned forward. “He’s bull riding again.”

My heart dropped. “What?”

“Hunter told me he’s been riding at Ty’s almost every day.”

“But it’s winter.”

“Ty has an indoor arena. But that’s not all. Blayze signed up to be the headline rider at a charity rodeo, and even though my mother won’t admit it, she’s terrified. Hunter said my dad keeps assuring her that Blayze will be okay, but she thinks he’s riding because it’s the only time he doesn’t think about you.”

My eyes went wide. “Wait, but there are no rodeos in December.”

“It’s a charity thing that’s being held at the Hamilton community center. The arena is indoors, so events can be held there all year. It’s like a PBR event center.”

I stood and walked over to the window, wrapping my arms around my body to ward off the sudden chill.

“Georgiana, he asked about you.”

I spun around. “Blayze did?”

Nodding, she smiled. “He didn’t text me, he called. He asked how you were doing. He also asked about David.”

“David?” I asked in confusion. “How did he know about him?”

She shrugged, but I saw the hint of mischief in her eyes.

“What did you say?”

Morgan didn’t even appear to be sheepish. “I might have said something to the family at dinner before I left about David asking you to an event, and about how rumors were flying around England that the two of you are together.”

My mouth fell open. “That’s not true.”

Shrugging once again, she added, “And Mom might have mentioned David to Blayze.”

“What did she say?”

Morgan smirked.

“What did you tell everyone about him?

With a wicked grin now on her face, she replied, “I said David was Mary’s hot brother, and that he invited you to stay here to mend your broken heart.”

I was positive my eyes were as round as saucers. “You did not say that!”

“I sure as shit did. If you two aren’t going to do something about your feelings for one another, then I am.”

I waited for her to go on. When she didn’t, I let out a frustrated sigh and tossed my hands up in the air. “What did he say to that?”

“Which part? About the hot single guy or your broken heart?”

“Both, Morgan!”

“He didn’t say anything about David. He ignored it, but he asked me if you were okay. I told him if he wanted to know how you were, it was up to him to ask you.”

I chewed on my lower lip. “When did he call you?”

She smiled. “About an hour ago.”

My eyes jerked to where my phone was sitting on the table.

“Remember that pride thing?” Morgan said as she walked over to me. Placing her hands on my arms, she gave me a squeeze. “Go back to Montana, Georgiana. Show him he’s worth it, because for some stupid reason he doesn’t think he is.”

A tear rolled down my face. “And if he doesn’t feel the same?”

She reached up and wiped it away. “I know my brother, Georgiana. He’s madly in love with you and doesn’t know how to say it or apologize for being a complete and utter dickhead. He should be the one running here to England and falling on his knees, but honestly, I’m tired of waiting for him to wake up. It’s time you grabbed the bull by the horns.”

I felt a laugh-sob slip free, and Morgan pulled me into her arms. I held onto her tightly until we both broke apart.

Morgan cupped my face in her hands. “Christmas is in two weeks. Come back to Montana with me.”

Sniffling, I nodded and whispered, “Okay. I’ll go back with you.”

Letting out a scream of delight, Morgan jumped up and down, making me laugh.