I closed my eyes to keep the unshed tears at bay, then opened them. “I don’t think he wants to speak to me.”

“From what Morgan says, her brother loves you.”

I laughed. “No, I think that’s what Morgan hoped for.” I glanced up at David. “He wouldn’t even let me explain.”

My voice trailed off. I’d told him all of this before.

I felt a few tears fall free, and I quickly wiped them from my face.

“Love is such a crazy emotion, isn’t it?” David said.

I let out a low, humorless laugh under my breath.

“Everyone tells me I need to move on, to find a mother for Mia. I can’t even think of that right now. My heart still feels as if someone ripped it from my chest. There are some days I wonder how I’m even still alive because of the void I feel in my heart. The only reason I keep going is for Mia.”

I stopped walking and took his hand. “I’m so sorry, David. Mia is a part of Louise that will always be with you.”

He smiled down at me. “You’re right, I know that. It doesn’t make the pain any less.”

All I could do was nod. David took a step closer, and his eyes fell to my mouth as he brought his hand to the side of my face. He brushed a tear away with his thumb. I knew what he was thinking because it had crossed my mind before as well. We could get lost in one another, if only for a little time. Forget all about how broken we were as we fell into each other. But at what cost? If we slept together, we’d both feel guilty.

He leaned down, and for a moment I nearly lifted to bridge the kiss. But then I stepped back. “I’m sorry, David. I can’t.”

He closed his eyes, and I saw the hurt on his face. It had nothing to do with my rejection. He longed for his wife. He longed for the closeness.

“We could pretend we were with them,” I said, “but when it was over, we’d both know the truth.”

He cleared his throat and looked out over the countryside, letting out a long breath of air. “Yes, we would. I’m sorry, Georgiana.”

I took both of his hands in mine and gave them a squeeze. “I think maybe it’s time we both leave the sanctuary of this place and figure out a way to move on.”

David looked back at me and gave me a weary smile. “I think you’re right, love.”

Turning, we both started for the house, neither of us saying word.

“Hey, you busy?”

Glancing up from my laptop, I smiled at Morgan as she walked into the massive library in David’s house. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves covered most of the walls except for one, which was covered by a huge stone fireplace and flanked by two massive windows. Dark blue velvet drapes hung on either side of the windows and pooled onto the floor. It was one of the most stunning libraries I’d ever been in. And it had been the perfect place to start writing my first book.

I hit save on my document and shut the laptop as I returned her smile. “I’m not busy at all.”

Morgan made her way in and sat in the chair next to me. She kicked off her slippers, pulled her legs up, and rested her chin on her knees. “I heard from Blayze finally. He didn’t even know I was here.”

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. I tried to keep my emotions in check as I replied, “How could he not know you were here?”

She gave me a half shrug. “He’s been avoiding everyone and hasn’t been to any family dinners since you left.”

It broke my heart that Blayze was missing the weekly Shaw family dinners.

“Why isn’t he going?”

Her eyes lifted to meet mine. “I think he knows he fucked up and doesn’t want to face anyone.”

I drew my brows in. “Fucked up how?”

“By doing what he did to you. Now he’s let it go on for so long that his pride is what’s keeping him from contacting you.”

I frowned. “Men and their pride.”

She rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. Why can’t they admit when they’ve messed up? I don’t understand it. It was so clear to everyone how much Blayze liked you. Why would he be willing to let you go simply because he’s too much of a coward to let you in?”

Leaning back in my chair, I let out a puff of air. “It wasn’t all his fault. I should have told him everything the moment I found out.”

Morgan nodded. “Fair enough. But that still doesn’t give him the right to act like nothing happened between you. I’ve never seen my brother as happy as he was when you were there. There was a light in his eyes, and he smiled all the time.”