I stared at my brother, the room felt like it was spinning. I was so done talking about Georgie.
“You want a beer, little bro?” I grabbed him by the neck, pulled him to me, and then kissed him on the top of his head.
“This isn’t getting anywhere.” Hunter pushed me away. “He’s too drunk.”
Ryan stood. “We need to sober his ass up.”
“I don’t want to be sober. So if you both could leave...”
Ryan and Hunter exchanged a knowing glance.
“You know what to do,” Ryan said.
Hunter nodded. “I’m on it.”
I watched Hunter walk toward my kitchen. “Whoa, dude, can you walk in a straight line? Shit. You’re making me dizzy.”
My brother ignored me.
Ryan reached for my arm. “Come on, Blayze, it’s time to sober you up.”
“No!” I said, batting his hands away from me and nearly falling off the sofa. “I don’t want to sober up. I don’t want to feel or remember anything.”
Ryan let out a frustrated breath. “That’s exactly why we need to sober your ass up. Come on, let’s go.”
The last thing I remembered before I passed out was being pushed into my shower, fully clothed, and the water hitting me. The next time I woke up, soft light was spilling in through my bedroom window.
I snapped my eyes shut and let out a groan as I scrubbed my hand down my face. It took me another minute to slowly sit up. My head was pounding like someone had a drum in there.
“And he lives.”
Cracking open one eye, I saw Rose standing in the doorway of my bedroom.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, my mouth dry as cotton.
“Let’s see, Ryan called me and said you’ve been locked away in your house for a week, not answering calls or texts, and drinking yourself to death. He and Hunter came by last night, threw you in the shower, and poured coffee down your throat until you passed out. I got in this morning and told them I’d stay with you to make sure you didn’t die from alcohol poisoning.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine. I told my mother I was fine when she called me non-stop for three days in a row.”
Rose walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of it. “What do you expect, Blayze? You stormed away from the fall festival and didn’t talk to anyone. Your parents tried to talk to you, as well as Hunter, Georgiana, and her father. You wouldn’t talk to anyone. Georgina called like twenty-five times. She’s left you at least five voice messages, and I swear like sixty texts. You’re pushing everyone away.”
I shot Rose a dirty look.” You were looking through my phone?”
“Don’t worry, I didn’t answer them. But you need to call Georgiana back.”
“I don’t want to talk to her, Rose. I don’t want to talk to anyone.”
Tossing the covers off me, I headed to my bathroom.
“Blayze, I don’t understand you. She made a mistake. Why are you blowing this up so much? So she didn’t tell you right away about what they wanted her to write about. Who gives a shit. She didn’t write the story. She didn’t work with Lindsay and go behind your back. She was afraid the moment you found out you would push her away…and look what we have.”
Trying to ignore the ache in my chest, I grabbed my toothbrush. “I really don’t need a lecture.”
Rose leaned against the doorjamb and folded her arms over her chest. “You really won’t give her a second chance?”
I shook my head. “I said some pretty hurtful things to her and…”
My voice faded away.
Sighing, Rose dropped her arms. “Talk to her, Blayze. The only way you’re going to be able to move on, with or without Georgiana in your life, is to talk to her.”
Deep down, I knew it was true. The moment Georgiana had started to cry and plead with me at the festival, I’d known the truth. Hell, the last week I kept going over every moment with her. The night we made love for the first time she had told me she had something important to tell me, and I put her off. Every time she wanted to talk, I would do something to distract her. Had I done it because I was worried about what she had wanted to say?
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I screwed up so fucking badly. But I’d been blindsided again, and fuck if that didn’t make me so angry.
I started to brush my teeth.
“She’s in London.”
I ignored the way that made my stomach feel queasy.
“She left to go there earlier than planned, and is going to stay for a bit longer than she intended.”
“Good for her.”
Clearing her throat, Rose asked, “What about Lindsay? Have you done anything with that piece of shit, or have you been too drunk to deal with her level of crazy?”