Ignoring her, I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt. Rose let out a frustrated sigh. “I’ll be down in the kitchen. I’ve got Ryan’s hangover cure waiting for you.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her. “Thanks.”

After Rose shut the door, I sat down on the edge of the bed. I had been so worried about letting Georgie in and her hurting me. The only person who was to blame was me. I let my anger and hurt about Georgie not telling me the truth about the story right away cause me to be blind. To not see the amount of times she mentioned needing to talk to me. I was in a bubble of pure happiness and bliss, and I was also terrified of losing her again.

“You’re fucked up in the head, Shaw,” I said before I quickly got dressed and headed down to the kitchen.

Rose was sitting at the island. I glanced over at the other side of the kitchen, remembering back to the morning when I had Georgie up there. Then I looked at the table, and I shook the memory away.

“I have a theory,” Rose said.

Pouring myself a cup of coffee, I replied, “I’m breathless with anticipation to hear it.”

She scoffed. “You were scared.”

I turned on my heels. “I’m sorry?”

The way Rose looked deep into my eyes made me feel like I was under a microscope. I had the urge to look away, but there was no way she was going to win. The girl was so much like her mother Kaylee.

“You fell in love with her. Hell, you might have always been in love with her.”

“You’re letting your romance novels spill into real life.”

“You were scared that you were falling in love with Georgiana. You didn’t want her to leave because you weren’t sure she would come back to Montana, so when this happened you jumped on the chance to blame her, to push her away.”

Jesus, it was like the woman had been in my mind only moments ago. I took a sip of the foul-tasting hangover drink, which Rose had left on the counter for me then chased it down with a sip of coffee. When I didn’t answer, she glared at me.

“Why do men do that? Why are you so afraid to tell a woman how you feel?”

“Women do the same thing.”

She crossed her arms over her chest again. “Tell me, oh great one, where you’ve witnessed this, because I’m dying to hear it.”

I wanted to say something about Morgan and Ryan, but I had no right to talk about them to Rose. And I had no fucking clue about Rose and her love life.

Her expression softened. “Blayze, call her back.”

“I’m suing Lindsay.”

Rose’s eyes went wide. “Change of subject, but I’m glad. She shouldn’t be able to get away with what she did.”

“I’m also suing the magazine. If we win anything, it will go to the community center.”

She smiled. “I hope they both get everything that’s coming to them.”

I nodded. “So do I.” Pulling in a deep breath, I exhaled. “Maybe it’s for the best things didn’t work out with me and Georgie. She has a whole different life in Dallas. Can you honestly see her living on a ranch and being a cattle rancher’s wife?”

Rose nodded. “Yes! I can see that, because anyone with eyes saw the way she looked at you, Blayze. She loves you, and you’re too freaking scared to see it for yourself or admit that you love her too. Look at my mother! Your mother. They love this ranch, Blayze. And so do Timberlynn and Merit.”

“They’re different. And my mom wanted this life. She moved to Montana first. She wasn’t traveling to fashion shows and jet-setting all over the world. She was here. With me and Dad and then with all of us.”

Rose blinked a few times, then slowly shook her head. “So a woman can’t have a career and be a wife and a mother? I do believe your own mother had a career and still does. Or is it that Georgie would be traveling the world and seeing new things? You were the one who decided to walk away from the PBR, Blayze. You decided this was your life. Do you begrudge Georgiana for following her dream when that’s the very thing you did?”

“I’m going for a run. Thanks for stopping by, but as you can see, I’m alive.”


Her pleading voice forced me to stop and face her.

The stiffness in her body relaxed as she said, “If you love her and let her go like this, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

I stood there for a few moments while her words settled in. I knew I would regret it more if I gave my heart to Georgie and she destroyed it.