“Are you sure Tom isn’t mad at me?” she asked in the Littlest voice she’d ever heard.
“Not at all.” Susan pulled out a chair from the table. “Sit, honey. Would you like some juice or some milk?”
“Juice, please.” Why did she feel so Little? It was irrational. She was with Tom’s mom. The woman was caring for her as if she were a Mommy instead of a Little.
As if she’d read Elizabeth’s mind, Susan turned to glance at her as she pulled apple juice from the fridge. “I raised five kids, honey. I’m a mother. I’m very nurturing. I loved every minute of having a house full of kids, and I still do now that they’re all adults. I love that they’re finding their significant others and one day my five kids will be more like ten or maybe more.” She shrugged. Was she suggesting one of them might have more than one partner?
Susan pulled a sippy cup down from the cabinet and filled it with juice before screwing the lid on and bringing it to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth took it from her, so out of body it was hard to focus.
Susan sat in the chair next to hers. “My point is that I love mothering my kids and their partners. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to lock my bedroom door at the end of the day and let Cecil Daddy me. It fills my soul. It energizes me and makes me a better mother when I get up the next day. It hasn’t always been easy, but Cecil and I have found a way to honor our preferred kink at least part of every day for our entire marriage.”
Elizabeth finally lifted the cup and took a sip of juice. She was still in shock as she heard Tom’s truck pull into the driveway. She couldn’t imagine what was going to happen next, but she needed to be brave and face her fears.
Was it possible all her worrying had been for naught?
It was also possible she had alienated Tom by running away from him and not giving him a chance to explain.
She hoped not because right about now all she could think about was sitting in his lap and letting him rock her until she felt like she might be able to live through this trauma.
Chapter Thirteen
“Elizabeth,” Tom called as he ran into the house.
“We’re in here,” his mom called from the kitchen.
Tom burst into the room and walked immediately to Elizabeth’s chair, dropping to his knees beside her. To his relief, she threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tight and whispered, “I thought I’d lost you.”
“I came here to be brave,” she answered.
Tom heard his mom stand and walk toward the door. “Thank you, Mom. I owe you.”
“I’m glad I could help. Take care of her,” Susan recommended before leaving.
The precious woman in his arms never released her hold. She clung to him as if she were afraid he’d disappear. Tom brushed his fingers through her hair and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Bunny, thank you for being brave and coming here. I’m an idiot for not even thinking about checking my house.”
“You’re not an idiot. I’m the one who panicked and ran away,” Elizabeth mumbled against his shoulder.
“Can I see your face, Little girl?”
Elizabeth peeked up at him. “I didn’t know your mom and sister are Little.”
“It’s their story to tell. Mom likes you a lot or she would never have told you. She told me you felt like family already. I’m so sorry I messed around at the table and triggered all of this. We should have skipped dinner with my family and just come home."
"I love your family. They weren’t the problem. Neither are you.”
“I love my family, too. We’re very close but suddenly, they aren’t as important to me as one very special woman is.”
“Me?” she asked.
“You. Did you get any sleep?” he asked, brushing her hair from her face.
“Yes.” She paused for a few seconds before admitting, “I slept in the nursery.”
He traced the faint line from her pacifier around her mouth. “You felt very Little?”
Tom pressed soft kisses to the pattern before kissing her deeply. “I’m glad it was your safe place.”
He hated to bring the real world into their exchange, but he knew how dedicated Elizabeth was to her store. “It’s early but I bet you need to be at Nibbles & Bites.”
“Oh, crap! I meant to call someone to start opening the restaurant.”
He could see the panic growing in her expression. “Breathe. Let’s do that, and then I’ll get you there quickly. You can do this. Go get your phone.”
He watched as Elizabeth darted toward the table to grab her purse. She dug to the bottom of it before holding it up. “Oh, no. It’s dead.”
“I figured it must be dead when I kept trying to reach you last night and you never responded,” Tom said as he took it from her. He carried it to the counter and plugged it in with his charger. A few seconds later, he powered it up and handed it back to her.