“There have to be fifty messages from you,” she said, looking at her screen.

“By ten, I figured you already thought I was a madman, so I kept calling. Focus, call someone.”

Tom watched her hands shake as she fumbled with her phone before selecting a number from those saved in her directory.

“Stacy? I had an emergency this morning. Any way you could open Nibbles & Bites for me? I’ll be there as fast as I can get there.”

Tom could hear the murmur of a response and saw some of the tension ease from Elizabeth’s face. He relaxed slightly as well.

“The code to the back door is eleven twenty-three. Thank you, Stacy!”

Disconnecting the call, she looked up at Tom. “She was there already. I need to pay her more.”

“Consider that later. Now, let’s get you dressed. Where’s your bag?”

“I left it in my car.”

“I’ll go get it. Let me have your keys.” Tom stretched out his hand.

After a brief scavenger hunt, they found that Hortense had the keys in the crib. He ran out to retrieve her things and dashed back in the door to find Elizabeth naked.

“You’re testing me, Little girl,” he growled as he laid the backpack on the toybox and opened it.

“Daddy!” she protested as he scanned her body.

After almost losing her, that word meant even more to Tom. He tried to hold it together. But without sleep and a whole night of worry, his emotions were on overdrive. He pulled her against his body and squeezed her tight.

“Thank you for not running from your Daddy. Hopefully, you’ll always choose to run to me instead of away from me.”

After another kiss that left them both breathless, he helped her dress quickly. While she used the restroom, Tom jogged to the master bedroom and changed into a fresh T-shirt so he wouldn’t make deliveries in a rumpled one. He grabbed his toothbrush and stopped in the kitchen for a handful of granola bars and two bottles of water.

He stood at the door with his hands full of things to take care of her as she came down the hall. “Let’s go, Bunny. No carrot nibbles for you this morning.”

“Oh, no. The bunnies. Do they need to be fed?”

“They have dry food in their hutch. They’ll be fine until tonight. We’ll give them extra treats. Come on. Nibbles & Bites is waiting.”

He opened a granola bar and handed it to her. “Eat as I drive.” He knew she could get something to eat at the café but she’d forget to take care of herself as she scrambled to get ready for the day. This way, she’d have something in her stomach to fuel her.

“I can drive my own car,” she protested.

Tom shook his head. “Let Daddy drive you today. That way I get to spend more time with you.”

He loved the smile she graced him with as she let him help her into the truck.

Even though the farm was in the rural section of town, it wasn’t too far. Tom drove safely but quickly through the streets to get to the strip center containing so many different stores. Pulling up at the back door, he jumped out and came around to help her. To his delight, even in a rush, she followed his rules and waited for him to open her door and scoop her out of the truck.

“Go have a good day. I’ll pick you back up when you’re finished and we’ll talk more.”

Elizabeth nodded and turned to walk into the store. She got to the door and whirled to come back to leap into his arms. “I’m falling in love with you, Daddy.”

“I’m falling in love with you, Little girl. Go work. Call when you’re done. We’ll talk tonight.”

She pressed her lips against his in a sweet kiss. Wanting a hundred more, Tom let her squirm to the ground when she drew back. He watched her dash to the door and disappear with a wave.

Brushing his fingers through his hair, Tom jumped back into the truck and headed back toward the farm. He’d be behind in his deliveries, but he’d make up the time somehow so he could spend as many minutes as possible with Elizabeth.

“Hi, Bunny!” Tom greeted his Little girl, grateful she’d answered his call.

“Hi, Tom. We’re finishing up here for the day and I’ll be ready to leave in about thirty minutes.”

“I’m glad you’re almost finished for the day. I’ll make one more delivery and then pick you up. I’ll have two more deliveries to make. Do you mind riding along with me?”

“Not at all. I’d love to see what you do all day.”

“I’ll be at your front door in twenty-nine minutes.”

“That’s very precise,” she said with a laugh.

“I don’t want to miss a second of time that I could be with you. See you soon!”

Tom looked at his schedule. He’d been lucky so far today, and everything had run like clockwork. It never did that. Perhaps he had his own good luck charm.