The muscles rippled on his back as he pulled up and buttoned his pants. Adonis spoke to the bookcase. “We don’t have a connection, Luna. We’re professor and student. Nothing more.”

My chest squeezed. “So that’s it. Nine minutes. That’s how long it took for you to call what we did a mistake.”

He stopped, sighing. “It... wasn’t a mistake.” Sounded like the words wrenched from his chest. “We shouldn’t have done it, but it wasn’t a mistake.”

“How is saying we shouldn’t have done it not calling it a mistake?”

“I haven’t done a good enough job teaching you about the English language”—he twisted and kissed me so quick and fierce, it knocked me off-balance—“if you don’t know the difference.”

Adonis released me dizzy and confused. I tried to say something but my swollen lips weren’t forming the words.

“I’ll leave first,” he said, picking up that sweater I loved so much. He made for the door. “Don’t tell anyone about this until I have a chance to talk to Victor, and even then. I love this job, Luna. I can’t lose it.”

“I won’t be the reason you do. But I also won’t give up on us.”

Adonis halted with his hand on the knob.

“Now that I know you want me as much as I want you, I’m not holding back. I’m going to shamelessly and ruthlessly take up all the free space in your head until it drives you mad, and the only cure is me in your bed.” I shrugged. “Or on your desk. I’m not picky. All I know is this won’t be our last time together.”

He threw open the door, walking out. I’d never know for sure, but it sounded like he said, “I hope you’re right.”

Chapter Six

It was a long, silent trek to the Gallery—longer still for my slowing steps the closer and closer I got. I wasn’t a Royal. I was not the person who could do, say, and take whatever they wanted and damned who I hurt.

I forgot that in the midst of strangling that vile monster who dared to say my sister deserved to be driven to suicide. But the fact remained that I didn’t want to become her. I didn’t want to be like someone who, for all that she claimed to love Giovanni, dumped him the minute things got difficult and her shining reputation was on the line.

I would bring down the Royal ladder and all the people clinging to it. To do that, I had to become someone else. Someone stronger. Someone who didn’t hesitate. And yes, someone who could sink as low as the Royals, because I’d never win if I wasn’t willing to go as far.

But what I wouldn’t do is risk my guys. And maybe, just maybe... I wouldn’t risk Victor.

I entered the Gallery and got smacked in the face with a wave of noise.

“—it’s not possible.”

“Well, he got in and was sipping tea with Luna, so it is possible. You said this security system was impenetrable.”

“I said it because it is. No one gets in here without the code.”

I rounded the corner. Wilder and Rafael faced down across the kitchen. In between them, sitting at the kitchen table was Lucien and Cato. Victor was in the class that I skipped. I couldn’t sit next to him with his brother’s dried cum in my hair. That’d be a new level of messed up.

Speaking of...

I ducked the other way, going upstairs through the living room. I needed a shower and an internal pep talk before I faced the guys. Adonis asked me not to tell anyone we had sex, and keeping that secret filled me with guilt the second I agreed to it. It was past time the Rogues and I had a talk about what we were to each other, and what our relationship was supposed to be.

I showered and washed my hair quickly, savoring the last lingering memories of his touch on my skin. The person I was in that office with him, was nothing like who I was curled up under Cato, or rolling around in bed with Rafael.

Everything with Adonis felt illicit, naughty, and dangerous, and before I knew it, I took on that role. And Adonis loved it.

I shivered picturing that long, hard cock. There was something deeply satisfying about knowing I had that kind of effect on a grown, worldly man. I made him lose control. I made him risk everything just for the chance to hold me—be inside me.

That day could not be the last time we were together. Rafael and Cato were clearly cool with sharing me. It was possible Victor and Adonis could be too.

Wake up, Luna. What kind of relationship could you have with your English professor? There’s so much more in your way than your marriage to his brother.

I pushed the thoughts away, along with the uneasy churn they kicked off in my stomach. Complete trash bags masquerading as people got to have everything they wanted. I could have the men who made my face heat and heart flutter. Please, just let me have them.