He pinched my hardened pebbles. “More.”

“Ah.” I ground back on his hardness. “I want you inside me. Please, sir. I’ll do whatever you ask.” I felt his tip tease my entrance, drawing it out to torture me. “Teach me how to be your favorite kind of dirty little slut.”

Adonis thrust inside, catching a cry on my tongue. The last coherent thought through my head was, “finally!”

We rutted like animals. He jackhammered between my legs, competing against my muffled screams. It was me who clamped his hand over my mouth. I couldn’t tone it down and I didn’t plan to. He was so strong and powerful behind me. I felt safe at his mercy—that he would both take everything from me but not more than I could give.

The dam broke, flooding my electrified nerve endings and making them short-circuit—the only explanation for the very unsexy way I flopped and flailed on the desk, rocked by such an intense orgasm, my eyes rolled up in my head and I saw only black. I came to as he tensed.

His hoarse grunt sounded in my ear. Adonis spilled hot, messy, and bare inside me.

His weight suddenly bore down on me, and we both dropped—collapsing in a heap on the floor.

“Wow,” I breathed. I twisted over and curled up against his side. “Just... wow.”


“Yes, please.” My fingers traced lines through the beaded sweat on his chest. “You don’t have class, do you? Let’s do that again.”

Adonis tensed beneath me. “What the hell did I just do?”

“What?” I craned my neck to look at him. “No. Please, no, Adonis. Don’t come to your senses yet.”

Gently, but firmly, Adonis lifted me up and leaned me against the desk. Whatever spell I cast to shed my no-nonsense professor for the sexy, demanding beast who bent me over a desk, was broken.

“I can’t believe I did that,” he rasped, snatching up his clothes. “Had unprotected sex in my office with a student who’s covered in my cum!”

I shrugged. “The last part was a surprise, but I was into it. What’s the big deal? We’re not in high school. The ‘having sex with a student’ thing is a lot less scandalous when everyone involved is an adult...” Climbing onto his desk, I let my legs fall open, and my hand travel down. “And very willing.”

Adonis stopped hopping into his pants and fell on me, and my wayward fingers. His breath hitched as I spread my pussy, and let him watch my middle finger disappear inside it. “Now, do you have class or not, Professor? Because once was not nearly enough for me.”

Eyes darkening, he took a step toward me. His gaze flicked up and he stopped. “I’m sorry, Luna, but no. Please, get dressed.”

I turned to see what he was looking at. My smile dimmed.

Staring back at me was a beaming picture of Victor. My fiancé. His brother. The guy who left his home to make things work with me. Who was willing to give us a try while I slept with other guys... who now included his brother.

“Oh no...” The haze lifted, freeing me from the vengeful, immoral spirit that seized me when I strangled Gabriella. How crazy was it to say that I hadn’t thought of him until that second? “I’m the worst piece of shit there ever was.”

“No, you’re not.” Adonis cupped my cheek, turning me to face him. “You and Victor are still strangers, and it’s an unspoken agreement around here that there’s no need to be faithful to a fiancé your parents forced on you. But me, on the other hand...” He blew out a breath. “I am the worst piece of shit there ever was. And the worst brother.”

“That’s not true. This might not be so bad,” I tried. “Victor and I agreed to start over from zero. More than that, I’m in a relationship with other guys and he—”

“What?” Adonis dropped his hand. “You have a boyfriend? Boyfriends?”

My jaw worked. “I— What I meant is—”

Everything was perfect five minutes ago. How did we get here?!

“It’s not like that,” I blurted. “We’re not cheating.” I don’t think. “They know about each other. Victor knows about them. They’re okay with sharing, so it’s okay. I mean it’s not like Victor expects me to be faithful, like you said. I’ll explain to him—”

“No.” His sharp retort ceased my babbling. “No,” he repeated in a softer tone. “Don’t say anything to him. If he doesn’t expect anything from you, then he doesn’t expect an apology. It’s me who needs to tell him. Let me do that.”

“I will, of course.” I reached for him and caught air. Adonis used picking up his shirt to dodge my touch. “Whatever you’re thinking,” I whispered, “I promise it’s not that. I don’t just go around collecting guys like trophies. The Rogues are everything to me. They were there for me when no one else was, and our connection is real. As real as the one I have with you.”