Page 1 of Entranced



As Teigen parked in front of the elegant Tudor-style home, the sound of power tools clued her in that she was at the right address. Grabbing her reporter’s pad and camera, she walked around to the back of the mansion where the addition was being built. The main structure had already been erected, impressing her even at first look. The half-timber decorative treatment of the exterior mimicked the front of the house, and there were openings for windows all around, which would make it bright and spacious.

It was just as she expected. She’d been researching the firm of Markham Architects for her article forArchitecture D.C. Their reputation for renovating old houses, modernizing them while keeping their historic elements was legendary in Washington, D.C. One had to get on a waitlist for their services, and it was a coup for the fledgling reporter to have scored an interview with Ellison Markham, the head of the operation. Looking at the house in progress, she understood why he wanted her to meet him here.

While she waited for him, she took some pictures of the house’s exterior.

“Hey, Sweet Stuff! You’re not allowed out here. In case you haven’t noticed, this is a construction site.”

Teigen turned to regard the burly guy approaching her. The broad, almost-sneer he displayed didn’t bode well.Fuck!She’d been up against these guys at construction sites before. They used their bulk to intimidate women like her.

Determined not to let that happen, Teigen pulled herself up to her full height and confronted him. “I’m meeting the architect here. It’s okay.”

“Well in that case, welcome, Sweet Stuff. I could show you around if you’d like.”

As he spoke, he walked forward, forcing her to retreat to keep from allowing him into her personal space. In no time, she was backed up against the house, with him menacingly close, his arms boxing her in. Summoning up all her courage, Teigen prepared to kick him in the balls if she needed to. She’d learned self-defense in the women’s shelter she’d spent three years in.

“We could exploreallthe intricate details.” He snickered as his eyes roamed over her body, causing a chill to run down her spine.Ugh! Why did these guys always feel so entitled?

Before she had a chance to respond, the man was wrenched away from her and punched in the face, causing him to tumble to the ground. Ellison Markham stood over him in a boxer’s stance ready to strike again if he moved. With dark hair falling across his forehead, Ellison’s fierce deep-blue eyes pinned the miscreant into place. Ellison waited, but the creep didn’t get up.

Without moving from his intimidating position, Ellison turned to her, his penetrating stare regarding her carefully. Relief mixed with embarrassment caused her to tremble, and she remained against the wall, afraid her knees would buckle if she moved.

“Are you all right?”

Still shook up by the whole encounter, Teigen could only nod.

Satisfied she hadn’t been harmed, Ellison turned his attention back to her would-be attacker.

“Get up and get out! You’re fired, and if I ever see you on one of my jobs again, you’ll be very sorry.”

The guy jumped up and out of Ellison’s way. Outraged, he shouted, “I didn’t do anything to her! I was just offering to show her around!”

“That’s not what it looked like to me,” Ellison replied. “Anyone who backs a woman up against a wall doesn’t have good intentions. I want you off this property now! I mean it.”

As he turned to go, the guy yelled, “Fucking asshole!” Ellison stepped toward him, and the idiot took off down the driveway.

Ellison relaxed his stance, his lean but muscular body straightening to its over six-foot height, concern etched on his chiseled features. “I apologize. No one should be treated like that on my sites.”

Recovering from her momentary shock, Teigen assured him: “It wasn’t your fault. You weren’t even here.”

“It doesn’t matter. I don’t tolerate that kind of behavior. I take it you’re Teigen Finley?”


Ellison extended his hand. “I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.”

Teigen took his hand to shake. His clasp was firm, and he placed his other hand over hers. “Nice to meet you, Teigen. I promise from now on, you will be safe.”

Warmth suffused her. She realized she trusted his word, even though they’d just met. He exuded confidence with a power to back it up. Unable to contain the blush that stole up her cheeks, she mumbled, “Nice to meet you too.”

To her dismay, he released her. She wanted to hold his hand a while longer, to feel the comfort of his touch, but of course, that wouldn’t be appropriate. Yet she wouldn’t have minded if he did.

“Would you like to look around? We’ve made a lot of progress in a short amount of time.”

“Yes, thank you.”