Page 2 of Entranced

He led the way to the center of the backyard, looking toward the house. Pointing to each detail, he described why he’d chosen the materials and the design. Teigen took copious notes, impressed with the attention to detail and the beauty of the design.

The beauty of the man beside her affected her as well. Mid-length curly black hair he made no attempt to tame framed his tanned face. His full lips, aquiline nose, and dark sea-blue eyes reminded her of statues of Greek gods she’d seen in museums. His impeccably tailored suit accentuated his slim frame. Her mother used to call men like him “a tall drink of water.” He could quench her thirst anytime.

To distract herself, she moved away and resumed taking pictures.

“I’m going in. Take your time with your photos and when you’re done you can join me. Just be careful since the steps haven’t been built yet and the entrance is makeshift for now. As soon as you get inside, make sure someone gives you a hard hat.”

She admired his tight ass as he walked away.

Jeez, get a grip, Teigen. He’s the subject of your article, not a date!

Recovering herself, she turned her attention back to her work, recording all the wonderful details he’d talked about.

Once she got inside, Ellison met her and handed her a hard hat. Not a great look, but she knew it was required.

“So what do you think?” he asked, his eyes riveted on her as though he really cared about her opinion. She’d studied some architecture in school, but her status as a newbie reporter would be elevated if she got this interview right.No guts, no glory!

She told him what she thought. “I love what I’ve seen so far. I’m sure it’s going to look like it was built at the same time as the main house, yet all those black-iron windows give it a modern feel.”

Ellison nodded approvingly. “That’s what we’ve been going for in all our ventures. To be honest, sometimes we’re not as successful melding the two time periods, but I think this is one of our better attempts.”

A young man came over to speak with Ellison. “I want you to take a look at the kitchen, sir.”

“Sure, Randy. This is Teigen Finley. She’s fromArchitect D.C.magazine.”

Randy nodded at her then moved toward the kitchen. Ellison motioned for her to follow. “You can finish taking your pictures when we’re done, but I think you might want to be in on this conversation. It will give you a good insight into how we operate.”

“Thank you.” Teigen followed him through the addition. It was open to the rest of the house and she could see they were in the middle of redoing the adjoining kitchen.

Pointing to the few planks laid on the kitchen floor, Ellison asked, “So, Teigen, what do you think of these?”

Teigen hesitated. Not wanting to seem stupid, she didn’t want to tell him the truth of how she felt.

Ellison pinned her with his stare. “C’mon, Teigen, let’s see how much you know about restoration architecture.”

She summoned up her courage and said, “They’re the right width, but none of them are the right color. These two are too dark and the other one is too light. I think you need more of a caramel color.”

“Excellent! That’s my feeling as well.”

Thank God!Not that she’d ever see him again after the interview, but she cared what he thought of her. The combination of his talent and good looks stirred something inside her that had been dormant forever. How she would love to explore those feelings further. If only this wasn’t business…

Ellison continued to discuss the floor and other options with Randy, and by the time they were done, Teigen knew the project would be perfect, almost as perfect as he was.

“Teigen, I have to go to my next site. You’re welcome to stay longer and take more pictures. Call my assistant tomorrow and set up an appointment for the final interview.”


He turned and left, leaving her feeling as though all the energy had been sucked from the room. His intelligence, his spirit, and his enthusiasm created an irresistible life force she craved more of.

She walked around the site, taking more photos but barely paying attention to what she was doing. All she could think about was her next meeting with Ellison Markham. She couldn’t wait.



The next night, Teigen followed her friend Maria through the doors of the little psychic shop. An older gypsy woman sat quietly and nodded to them. Too eery to be a club, Teigen was puzzled. She grabbed Maria’s arm and pulled her close.

“What are we doing here? I thought we were going to a club? I don’t need a fortune teller,” she whispered, not wanting to be overheard.